Chapter 15: Come On Over, Come Unglued

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Mattie's POV

Sweat was dripping down my forehead as I tried my best to keep up with Corey. My arms pumped and I tried to set my breathing with my strides. I used to run all the time when I was sober. I loved it. I loved the feeling of popping in some earbuds, putting on some dirty and vulgar metal music, and running until my legs felt like rubber.

Corey ran around the corner and out of view. "Oh, thank God." I said as I stopped and doubled over and clutched my side. I was trying to impress him, but Corey was in better shape than I and he had the stamina of a marathon runner. I stood up and put my hands on top of my head and stretched a little admiring the view. We were behind the Hollywood sign and in the hills of Los Angeles. It seemed like the city went on for miles before my eyes. I could even see myself living here. I could see Corey and I together. Maybe it would happen one day.

I heard Corey's foot steps as he ran back to me. He stopped and wiped his forehead with the sleeve of his T shirt. "I couldn't find you. You scared me for a second."

"Sorry, I just had to stop and look at the view. It's breath taking." I said and looked out on the horizon. "You really don't see anything this gorgeous in Waterloo." I added

"Tell me about it," Corey said.

We walked now holding hands and just enjoying each others company. It was an early Monday morning so the trail was pretty empty. We had to move out of the way to the occasional jogger or dog walker, but we were alone most of the time. When we both decided we were tired we sat on a bench that overlooked a canyon. Corey spoke first.

"I've been thinking lately, Mattie. And I decided to get sober from alcohol with you."

"Really?" I asked elated, "Why?"

"I don't want you to do it alone. And I'm done with that phase of my life. It was fun for a while, but it has become tedious."

I took his hand in mine and scooted closer towards him. "That really means a lot, Corey. Thank you."

He put his arm around me. We sat in silence.

Suddenly, I felt a fat rain drop hit my face. Then another. The sky had taken a drastic turn. Dark clouds had moved in over the canyon and it started to drizzle. I looked up, a rain drop splattered on my noise.

"I thought you said it wasn't going to rain!" I asked as I held my arms out. A big grin spread across my face. It felt refreshing.

We both stood and started jogging back towards the car. "It usually doesn't rain! It's California, for fucks sake!" Corey yelled.

The rain picked up and it was raining a little harder now. Puddles sloshed over my shoes and into my socks. I heard a crack of thunder in the distance. I stopped running. Corey stopped and looked over his shoulder at me. It was pouring buckets now and the rain ran down my face and arms in little rivers. The stray hairs that fell from my pony tail were dripping onto my shoulders. With a swift hand I pulled my pony tail out and shook my wet hair around. It was refreshing. It was like the sign I needed. The sign of a new beginning.

Corey walked over to me, dripping wet. His white T-shirt clung to his body, his tattoos shown underneath it. He put his arms on my shoulders, then suddenly playfully pushed me down into a puddle. Mud splattered all over the place. It caked my arms and squished up my back.

"COREY TODD! WHAT THE FUCK?" I laughed. He half smiled at me and shrugged.

I stood up and ran towards him quickly and caught his arm as he tried to run away from me.

"Man! Really?!" Corey yelled as I wiped my hand across his face and up on his hair. I messed his hair with mud. I stood back and admired my work. "Looks good. Now we match."

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