Chapter 5: Sparks

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*Mattie's POV*

The sun had set over Los Angeles. I had watched the pinks, reds, and oranges dip below the Hollywood sign. Even though it was 9pm, the city of Los Angeles was waking up. Cars zoomed in and out of traffic. People hopped in and out of bars, talking on cell phones. The lights in the skyline were ablaze, almost like the city was alive.

My Ipod had died hours ago, but I kept my ear buds in so Addison and Corey didn't know that I was eavesdropping. They had been talking for hours. I had learned a lot about Corey. I found out that he and his sister were raised by his mom when he was a child. They hopped around all over the country, following which ever boyfriend his mom happened to be with at the time. Corey spoke of his grandmother very highly, he smiled when he told Addison about her; I couldn't help but smile too.

"My grandma was too good to me," he mentioned, leaning up against the window next to me. I looked down to hide that I was listening in too. "She took me in when I was fifteen. I was so lost, and I needed guidance and I wasn't getting that from my mom and whatever loser boyfriend she had brought with us." I started to pick at a loose string on my sling, avoiding eye contact with Corey. There was something about him that I couldn't put my finger on. Something different. He was very attractive, with baby blue eyes that could make you weak in the knees. But his personality is what got me; he was hilarious, but kind. Serious but playful. I felt drawn to him for some reason and I didn't know why.

Corey wiped his palms on his jeans and took a box of cigarettes from his pocket. He lit a Marlboro and turned around to face my sister. "I'm pretty sure we can write a whole book on my childhood even," he said exhaling the smoke, putting his free hand on his neck trying to rub the tension away. He turned away from Addison then, and he let out a small sigh. He stubbed the cigarette out in his empty coffee cup. Corey looked defeated. He looked tired. It was my turn to say something. I popped the ear buds from my ears and cleared my throat gently.

"Well, I'm starving." I began as I got to my feet and stretched my good arm above my head, "I love coffee and danishes as much as the next gal, but I would love some real food."

Addison replied, "Go on without me. I'm in the zone here with writing and I want to get a few things done for the book before bed." Her fingers danced across the keyboard as she leaned closer to the screen.

"Suit yourself," I shrugged at her, then I turned to Corey, "You know any good places to eat around here? I'd look myself, but I'd most likely get lost, and possibly kidnapped." I added jokingly. I gave Corey a small smile, which he returned.

"Yeah, there's a few places around here actually. There's a bar downtown that I go to sometimes. Good drinks, great food."

My stomach growled. "Perfect. I need to grab something from my bag bef-", then I remembered that I had no idea where Addison and I were staying. I turned to face Addison and continued, "Well, my lovely, scatter-brained sister failed to mention where my damn bag was, not to mention where we're staying."

Addison opened her mouth to speak, but Corey began to talk instead, "You're staying here actually. On this floor. Room A2." I turned to him, "There's no way that Addison and I can afford to stay at a place like this." I looked down slightly, a little embarrassed.

Corey walked towards me and gently touched my arm. It felt like static electricity ran from his fingertips when he touched me, my eyes widened a little bit, but I got ahold of myself before Corey noticed.

"It's not a problem, the publishing company is covering it. Just don't go crazy and bust out windows or break TV's, then you should be good." He laughed as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Holy fuck, he's delicious...", I thought to myself, I couldn't remember when someone had made me feel like this before.

"Mattie...MATTIE!" Addison yelled breaking my concentration.

"What?" I asked back, my eyes snapping from Corey to her. She waved something in front of me. Our room key. She smiled slyly, her head cocked to the side. I've seen this look before. She has given me this look dozens of times in the past when I brought what ever doe-eyed, floppy haired boy I was dating over for dinner. Those relationships never worked, and I was the one who ended up broken. I snatched it from her hand, "Thanks, meet me down in the lobby in ten Corey?" I asked him, playfully tugging on the hem of his red Star Wars t-shirt.

"Yeah...ten..sounds good. See you in a few." he replied, a little dazed.

"Score one for Mattie!" I said to myself as the door to the conference room clicked shut behind me. I hurried to room A2 and slid the card into the lock. It blinked twice and I opened the door. The room was huge. It had the same large windows as the conference room. There was a living room with a large sofa in the middle. A huge 55" flat screen TV sat mounted on the far wall. There were small glass end tables on either side of the couch. I kicked my shoes off, the carpet was plush between my toes. The room smelled like fresh laundry and cotton. My suitcase was by the door. I grabbed it and took the hallway to the right. It ended at a bedroom. There was a king sized bed pushed against the back wall. The wall a head of me was also all windows, but with blinds hanging from the top. This room also had a TV and a table, it also had a private bathroom equipped with a stand up waterfall shower, a separate jacuzzi tub, a huge sink, and a vanity . I walked to the bed and put my bag on the white down comforter. There were red roses on the small glass table next to the bed. I picked up the note next to the vase and read:


Welcome to Los Angeles. I'm excited to embark on this journey with you. I'll leave my personal cell number for you, in case you need anything.

- Corey

Underneath his signature, was his phone number. I sat on the bed and entered it into my iPhone's address book. I pulled Corey's number up in a text and typed:

Hey, it's Mattie. Thank you for the roses. They're beautiful. And having your phone number is a plus too ;)

I walked to the bathroom vanity and began to fix my make up, then I brushed my teeth. I decided to keep my jeans and flats on, but I changed into a fitted black tank top. I added a long chain necklace to the ensemble and decided this look was perfect. I took my hair out of the bun, added some anti frizz spray, and began to braid my hair in a low side pony tail. My phone buzzed the text notification tone. My heart fluttered, and I picked up my phone and read:

You're welcome. And don't go selling my phone number to TMZ, promise? Hahaha. I'm down in the lobby. Meet me when you are ready.

I spritzed myself with some perfume and went to my suitcase to grab my black fringed purse. I moved some panties and bras out of the way when I heard something clatter in the pair of socks in my hand. I dumped the contents on the bed. Two pill bottles rolled onto the comforter, along with an old mirror, an expired I.D. and a straw. I took a shaky breath, "No Mattie, not now. Don't do this right now." But there wasn't anything I could do to stop this impulse. I picked up one of the orange bottles. It was the Percocet. My hands shook as I popped the cap off of the bottle and shook a few pills into my palm. I threw three pills in my mouth and swallowed. It felt like a rock was sliding down my throat. Before I could feel guilty, I threw everything back into the sock and buried it in the bottom of my suitcase. I zipped it shut and kicked it under the bed.

I checked my purse again for my driver's license and wallet. It was all there. After taking one last look in the mirror, I swung the door opened and left the room, it locked softly behind me. I felt my heart lock too, trying to keep my biggest secret contained in a cage. I went to the elevator, it opened and I stepped inside and pressed the lobby button, the doors slid shut and I was going down.

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