The accident

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The picture above is the place


David POV

God i'm the luckiest man alive. I'm finally with a girl who loves me for who I am. I held her hand and lead her to this place I used to go to when I was little. This place was a beautiful place. The big eye is still there and as I remembered it, it was big.

"I used to come here with my dad......... I loved him more than anything until he passed away....."

"I'm so sorry David......." Alesha hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

"But..... now I feel safe because of you..." I looked at Alesha in the eyes and kissed her passionately on the lips. We pulled apart and blushed at the people walking pass.

"Do you wanna go on?" I asked.

"Omg yes please!" Alesha said. I laughed at her cute face and walked to the ferris wheel.

"2 people....." I said, giving the guy the money.

"No, this one is on me" The guy said to me, opening the door.

"Gee, thanks!" Alesha gleamed. As we were walking in the car, the guy held me back and whispered in my ear:

"Go get her tiger ;)"

"Thank you" I entered the car with Alesha. It was a breath taking moment, being able to see everything with a woman I love.

Alesha POV

I looked at David who put his arm around me and rested his head on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I said laughing at David.

"Being with the woman I love......." He gently kissed my lips and thats when the ride was over. We exited out of the car and walked towards the motorcycles.

"One motorcycle please" David asked. The man smiled and gave David a black motorcycle, the latest one.

"What are you doing?"

"Riding around London..... if thats what you want to do" I looked into his eyes and replied:

"Lets go" I smiled at his smile and somehow managed to hop onto the motorcycle without falling down.

"I'll come back" David said.

David POV

I put on my helmet and sat in front of Alesha.

"Alesha, put your hands around my waist and hold on" Alesha looked at me and followed my command.

"Ok, don't let go"

"I will never let go" I smiled at her and drove past the wonderful buildings, now going on to the London Bridge.

"Wow....... this is beautiful David"

"Not as beautiful as you" I say in reply.

After 10 minutes, I decided to crank up the speed. The motorcycle was now going 100kmph.

"Woohoo!" Alesha yelled. I could see on the mirrors that Alesha was having a good time.

"Alesha........ baby"

"Yea David?"

"Can you take off my helmet and put it on your head. Its kind of bugging me...."

"Ummm...... ok David" Alesha protested.

"Hug me Alesha" Alesha hugged me, confused why I was asking her this stuff.

"Kiss me Alesha" Alesha kissed me on the cheek.

"Do you love me babe?" Alesha looked at me in confusion and replied:

"Of course I love you David" A tear dropped down onto Alesha's hand and thats when I looked back into Alesha's eyes.


Alesha POV

"I'm sorry" David said.

He drove straight into a tree which damaged the motorcycle really badly. I went flying up in the air but luckily the helmet prevented me from having any head injuries. Thats when I looked at David only to see his head cracked open with blood flowing out. His arm looks mongulated and his face had a huge scar from his eye to his mouth.

"D-d-david?" I crawled to David and looked at the motorcycle. It was damaged but when I looked at the brakes it was all broken. David knew this was gonna happen.

"Omagawd, David!" I bury my face into his chest, sobbing quietly wishing David was still alive. Thats when an ambulance came and took me and David to the hospital. They pulled me and David apart but I didn't want this to happen. Thats when I saw Amanda and Simon running up to me and came to comfort me.

"Alesha!" Amanda yelled. She ran up to me and hugged me.

"D-d-david....... h-he is g-g-gone......." I sobbed.

"Its ok Alesha........ he will be fine. I know it. I've been his friend for a long time and I know he will try and fight against death for you"

"Thank you Simon........." Thats when a bunch of people took me to go to the hospital.

"Can they come?" I asked one of the paramedics if they were allowed to come.

"Yes, they may come" He said.

"Will David be ok?" He looked at the other paramedics and started to hesitate.

"Well....... David did crash really hard into that tree but we will try and save him"

I start to cry again wishing David was next to me, holding me and making me give him the love he deserved.


Hope you enjoyed the story ;) Sorry if I haven't really updated anything for a while........

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