Perfect Love

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Shout out to simanda_stories <3


Simon POV

I woke up only to see David not breathing.

"DOCTORS! DOCTORS! OVER HERE!" I yelled. 5 doctors entered the room and quickly went up to David.

"What the hell did you do?"

"I didnt do anything I swear!" My heart stopped when Amanda just texted me.

Is everything alright? I can hear shouting :(

I didn't have the heart to tell Amanda especially Alesha. I texted back.

Yea babe we're good. Missed u babe xo

I missed u too dim sim XD

I looked only to see the doctors carrying David away.

"Wait, whats going to happen to him?" I asked in fear.

"We need to take him to the emergency room, its his last chance........" One of the doctors said.

"Go to your friends and DON'T tell the girl"


"Yes, Alesha. We'll try our best" The doctors carried the body of my best friend to a room, leaving me flabbergasted. I walked towards the room where Amanda and Alesha were, only to see Alesha sleeping except for Amanda.

"Hey babe..... theres something I need to tell you"

"What? Is David alright?"

"Thats the point, David is in the emergency room"

"What!" Amanda shrieked.

"Shhh...... Alesha can't know this. You have to pretend that he is doing a wonderful job ok?"



"Fine...... I'll do this for my Alesha"


I walked towards the couch and sat down with a thud. Amanda followed me and laid her head on my chest. I kissed her forehead, wishing that none of this had happened. Wishing my best friend was alive. Thats when I start to cry.

Amanda POV

As I laid my head on Simon's chest, sniffles starts to come out and tears starts dropping down.

"Simon........." I kissed his lips and hugged him, telling him how much I love him and how everything is going to be alright.

"I love you Amanda....."

"I love you too baby" We stayed in that position where I laid my head on his chest with his arm wrapped around me. Thats when someone woke us up. We must've been asleep.

"Simon? Simon Cowell?"

"Yea...." He yawned and stretched his arms out.

"Its David" Simon shot straight up and had a worry written all over his face.

"I believe that.......... David is alive!!!"

"Omagawd seriously?" Simon looked like a kid on a Christmas day and as soon the doctor exited out of the room, he carried me up and kissed me like there was no tomorrow.

"I can't believe it! Im so happy!"

"Me too babe! Me too" Thats when someone I didn't expect walks in. David.

"DAVID!!!!" Me and Simon exclaimed. We ran up to him and hugged him so happy to see him up and full of life.

David POV

Simon and Amanda hugged me, so happy to see me. Thats when I saw Alesha in bed sleeping like an angel. I walked towards her so happy to see her.

"A-a-alesha?" Alesha's eyes opened and couldn't believe what she saw.


"Yes b-babe?" Alesha starts crying and hugged me, burying her face in my neck.

"I thought you were gone........ Can't believe you risked your life for me, I love you"

I start to cry and said to Alesha:

"I love you and never forget that" We pulled apart and kissed each other to be filled with love and happiness that darkness had took over. I looked at Simanda and could see them cuddling each other, not even letting each other go. I smiled.


"Yeah babe?"

"My life had never was perfect until you came along"

"Same with me too Lesha"

We stared at each others eyes, hoping it will be like this everyday. Being able to look at her eyes and telling her how I love her but I know its not enough. Alesha will always be my bae and will always be the one in my mind.

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