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I hope u guys enjoy!!!! 


David POV 

I stood there in daze as Alesha cries and hugs Amanda. Amanda is unconscious but she is still breathing. Nurses rushing in.... cries are heard... being pushed away from my Alesha who is with Amanda and now i'm in the room I used to be in. But the difference is Simon is in bed and i'm the one on the chair crying. Its been 5 mins and I already miss my Alesha. Thats when my phone rang. Its Alesha <3

On the phone...

Me: Alesha baby 

Alesha: (still crying) I miss you babe

Me: ... I miss you too babe 

Alesha: Nurses said I cant see you for I have to stay with Amanda and you stay with Simon

Me: (Chokes back tears) 

Alesha: I gotta go now David... Love you

Me: I love yo-

Phone dies 

I cuddled up on the couch and cried. I must've fell asleep because one of the nurses woke me up and said I was allowed to see her now. 

Thats when I ran. I ran and ran and ran and ran. When finally there she is... with another man. This man named was Dec, Declan Donnelly. They were kissing with his hands grabbing her behind like it was the earth was gonna come to an end. 


Alesha POV

I turned to see David with his eyes filed with tears. I looked at Dec and just to see that I made a huge mistake. 

"D-david w-wait I can e-"


I immediately shut my mouth only to see tears coming out of David eyes. Of anger and depression.

"Do you even care about me?"

I start to cry and ran to David leaving Dec flabbergasted. I hugged David only to be pushed away onto the ground. David started calling me a hoe and a bitch. And he knew those were the words that I dont like being called. David started crying even more and ran away back into the room he came from. Thats when he dropped something. I picked it up only to see a present I thought was crap that I gave him. It was a watch. It truly is an ugly watch with the time being wrong. But when I turned it, I saw a message he must've carved and it said:

"David + Alesha = Dalesha <3"

I cried and held onto the watch wishing I never had done what I have done. 

Writers POV

Alesha and David backs is against a door wishing none of this happened. It truly left both of them heartbroken. 

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