He made it..... right?

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Amanda's POV 

I was in a ambulance car, holding Simon's hand. Her Simon's hand. I couldnt stop crying, hoping all of this was a dream. More like a nightmare. Simon's face was all burnt and his right arm has a big shard of glass through it. His leg was all bloody with his left arm being all shaky. Now i'm being escorted to the waiting room, with no one beside me. I was all alone with nurses walking past me and giving me looks and asking me how this happen. Thats when I decided to call Alesha.

Alesha POV 


David was kissing my neck and muffled his face into my shoulder. 

"I love you...."

"I love you to-"

Phone rings

I pick up the phone, leaving David unsatisfied. 

On the phone..... 

Me: Amanda hey whats up?

Amanda: p-please come to the hospital....

Me: Wait why? Amanda, are you ok? How about Simon?

Amanda: Its Simon

Me: Ok be right there

Hangs up 

I turned around, only to see David with a tear dropping down his face. 

"Simons hurt.... is he?"

"I don't know Dave...." 

He starts to cry and I wrapped my arms around him telling him its ok. 

"Babe, its ok. He will be alright....." 


"Remember how you risked your life for me?" I looked at David in his eyes and see he is trying to think of something to say.

"Yes.... I do... If you were hurt I wouldnt be able to live like I have now...." 

"Then stay strong for Simon, ok?" Thats when he starts to hesitate.

"But Ale-" 

"For Simon...."


"For Amanda...." 


"For me......" Finally David stopped and kissed me on the lips. 

"Ok... anything for you <3"

Thats when we got in the car and drove all the way to the hospital where Simon and Amanda is in. We walked in, holding hands and saw Amanda sitting with a guy who looks like he is annoying her. 

"So babe... how old are you?"

"None of your business..."

"But it is...." Thats when the guy grabbed her wrists and tried to kiss her. 

"Help!!!" Thats when David ran to her and punched the guy in the face. 

"Leave her alone you prick!!!" Thats when the guy stumbled his way to the exit. 

"Thanks David..." Amanda said.

"No problem" 

I ran to Amanda and hugged her.

"Are you ok?" 

"Yeah im ok, thanks to your 'strong' friend"

"Hey" I said. 

"He's mine" We all started laughing and thats when the doctors came to talk to us.

"Are you Simons guests?"

"Yes we are" Amanda said. 

Thats when we see the doctor sort of hesitating. 

"Im so sorry but..... he didnt make it" 

Thats when I looked at Amanda and her face was blank. She looked sick and fell to the floor not breathing. 


To be continued...... 

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