Central City Police Department.

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I was walking to work when I stopped at Jitters to get a cup of tea, as I walked into the cafe when I saw Barry.

"Hello Jaime." He waved and walked towards me.

"Hello Barry." I replied as I went to order my drink. "One tea and a chocolate donut please." I said to the girl at the till. I paid for it then walked over to Barry at a table.

"On your way to work?" He asked.

"Yes" I replied as I sipped my tea.

"Cool." He replied. "So what did you mean I'd see you again if I was in enough trouble?" He asked.

"I'm a detective" I replied.

"Yea." He smiled. "I understand the donut now." 

"Ah, so that is the stereotype?!" I replied.

"Hey Barry who's your cute friend?" A girl said.

"Hey Iris, this is Jaime. She is going to be a colleague of mine." Barry replied.

"Hello Jaime, I'm Iris West." Iris held out her hand and I shook it.

"Nice to meet you Iris." I replied.

"So where about's do you work at CCPD." She asked.

"I'm a new detective." I replied. I glanced at my watch and realised the time."And I'm gonna be late if I don't hurry, it was nice to meet you Iris!" I rushed out the door clutching my tea and what was left of my donut, then I looked to my left to see Barry. "Woah Barry how you get there?"

"I'm fast." He said with a chuckle.

"Well, I don't suppose you know any short cuts to get to work?" I asked while finishing my donut.

"We're basically there!" He said as we turned a corner to see the police station.

"Ah, I might not be so late after all!" I said as he showed me in. We then entered the elevator.

"Just act like your on time." He said with a smile. The doors then opened and I saw a very busy office.

"Hey Barry, running a little late aren't ya?" A man called across the room then started to walk towards us.

"Hey, I had to show Jaime where to come." He said with a smile and then pointed to me.

"Oh, hey your obviously Jaime." He replied. "I'm Detective Joe West, one of your new partners. The other one is over there." He pointed towards a blonde man who looked rather confused. "He's Detective Eddie Thawne also known as detective pretty boy." He added with a chuckle.

"Nice to meet you Detective West." I held out my hand and he shook it.

"Please, call me Joe." He said.

"OK, Joe." I smiled.

"Hey, Joe I need some help with this file, I don't understand what they're getting me to do." The 'pretty boy' said and it's true, he is rather pretty.

"Maybe detective Parks knows how to do it, as it is from the GCPD." Joe said.

"Right, where is she?" He asked, he hadn't looked up from the file yet, so he hadn't noticed me.

"Right here." I said with an awkward wave.

"Oh, wow, that was rude of me!" He said quickly looking up to see me.

"Its alright." I replied.

"Ok, so can you show me how to do this please?" He asked.

"Of course, which detective sent it over here?" I asked.

"Detective Jim Gordon." He replied.

"Oh, Gordon." I looked at the file. "Its a file on the criminals there."

"Yea, he wants us to do a check and compare the criminals we have here, see which are the biggest threats to our cities."

"And Mr Thawne you can't do that by yourself?" I ask.

"I need some assistance from someone who has encountered them." He said with a smile.

"Right, of course." I replied.

"Well, come over to my desk and we can talk." He said and we both walked over.

"So where shall we start?" I ask.

"With Selina Kyle, also known as 'Cat Women'." He said with an amused face.

"Oh, she's a feisty little thing." I say rather seriously.

"Oh, OK." He said. "Shall we go through them, then discuss the threat?"

"Yea." I replied.

"How about the Ogre?" He asked.

"The man who takes women?" I ask.

"Well, yea. I'm pretty sure Shrek isn't in Gotham." He said with a smile.

"Or we could do Central City first, since I'm new here, maybe I should get to know the criminals in Central City?" I suggested.

"Yea, sure." He picked up some other files labeled 'Meta Humans'.

"OK, first things first, what are meta humans?" I asked.

"He'll have to explain later!" Joe said. "But you'll get to see one, right now."

"Oh?" I paused. "Oh!"

"Hey, Joe, I have to go. You don't need CSI do you?" Barry asked.

"No, not a crime scene" Joe replied.

"So whats the meta called?" Eddie asked.

"Tate Grimm, a murderer who should be in Iron Heights." Joe replied.

"Not Grimm, please. That guy scares me." Eddie added.

"What did Grimm do?" I asked.

"He used to take a small piece of skin off the victim's face or head, so you can see the skull." Eddie said as he snarled up his face.

"He sounds like he comes from Gotham." I replied. "He's got the right kind of mind to be from there." I added. "Plus what does 'meta' mean?"

"Um, the have super powers." Eddie replied.

"Put your bullet vests on." Joe sad as he handed me a gun. "If I said you wouldn't need them, I'd be lying."

"Shame, I haven't got one." Eddie replied while pushing his vest under the table. "Oh no." He said sarcastically. "I can't come."

"Detective Edward Thawne so help me, I'll kick your ass so hard you wont be able to sit your damn ass down and I'll get Parks to film it to show the whole CCPD on a projector screen." Joe replied.

"Oh, look at that." He grabbed the vest. "What is it doing under here, gosh. Parks!" He yelled. "Did you put it here?!" He asked.

"What?" I replied. Eddie cut me off.

"-New on the job and you're already getting me in trouble." He sighed.

Before I new it we were on our way to Joe's car. Eddie came up to me and apologised for earlier. 

Eddie or BarryWhere stories live. Discover now