Not wanted.

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"Jim, I don't wanna be rude, but today is my only day off and I'm not taking any more holiday. Go home."

"I feel as though I'm not wanted here."

"Jee, what gave you that idea?"

"You're just as sarcastic as the day we met."

"If not a little more."

"Listen to me."


"The only people that know what you did are here with me."

"Lucie, Bruce, Alfred and Penguin."

"Cobblepot isn't with me."

"Zsasz knows to."

"And he has some new found respect for you."

"It's nice to know that a murderer likes me."

"Well, you like me."

I stared at him with an unimpressed look. "Seriously?"

"What?!" He asked.

"Are you going to leave my flat so I can enjoy getting over this headache?"

"A few things I need to request though."


"Bruce wants a tour around the precinct and Alfred, Lucie and I want to make sure you're ok."

"I'll meet Bruce outside the precinct at 10:30 tomorrow. I'll have lunch with you three or four later in the day. Now leave."

"Fine." Jim walked to the door of my flat and turned around. "If you don't meet Bruce, you know he'll be pissed."

"I know." And with that Jim left.

I never knew why Jim pissed me off so much lately, I think it's probably due to the fact that whenever he rings it's about Oswald and illegal things. Also that he knows about my past, I'm here for a new start and I don't need to be reminded of it.

I sighed and walked into my room, I flopped onto my bed and closed my eyes. I fell asleep soon after my eyes closed and I lied there for hours.

I woke up in my old apartment in Gotham. The bed dipped slightly in the middle and I turned over to see someone there. I moved closer to see it was Jim, his clothes untidily on the floor and his badge and phone on the bedside table. I looked around the room and saw all my old photos, my old ordainments that I left. I glanced over to my clock and saw the time, it was 1:00 am. I was usually up still and at the Gotham Precinct, probably having a conversation with Ed or Harvey about a recent case or one of Ed's unanswerable riddles. Long nights were part of the job, they were to be expected. Though tonight was different, Jim came home early and obviously came to the loving arms of his girlfriend. The room was dark, the only light being from outside and the rare shout from some drunken mess in the street below. I moved slightly and removed myself from the covers, grabbing a shirt from the floor.

"Where you going?" Jim asked, his voice was croaky and tired.

"To get a drink."  I replied, I didn't mean to, but I just said it. He moved from his front onto his side and looked at me.

"We came home early, get some actual sleep. You deserve it."

"I know, but when I shut my eyes I see it- seeing him."

"It doesn't matter. You saved Oswald's life during it, so he owes you favours. He'll clear you from the scene." He replied. I walked back over to him and sat down. He put his hand in mine and stared at me for a minute. "I never want to loose you."

"Then maybe you shouldn't be so addicted to work. We miss out on nights like this."

"Yea, I know, but we both have demanding jobs. We're together twenty four seven anyway."

"Then you have no excuse for loosing me." I replied with a smile. He leant up and kissed me. I knew this was dream, but I couldn't shake it. It felt real.

"I love you Jaime and I mean it." He smiled.

"I know Gordon, and I love you too."

"JAIME?!" Someone shouted.

"What was that?" I asked. Jim looked at me seriously.


"Someone called my name."

"I heard nothing."

"JAIME!" Someone shouted again.

"There, I heard it again." I looked at Jim. He shook his head and frowned.

"You really do need some sleep Parks. You're going crazy." He pulled me down under the covers and put his arms around me.


I woke up with a jolt, I looked around and saw my flat, the photos of me at the precinct. I looked over to the other side and saw a photo of my night out with Iris, Barry, Caitlin, Cisco and Eddie, who had his arm around me. Iris gave me the photo as a gift.

There was a sudden bang, it was the door. I climbed from my bed and waddled through my flat to the door. Just as Eddie was about to bang on it again, I opened it and Eddie fell on top of me.

"Sorry!" He said quickly as he got up. "I was just gearing myself up to, well you know, open the door."

"It's fine Eddie." I replied as he helped me up. "What do you need?"

"Well, um, you kinda went off the map. Joe tried ringing you about our case, but no answer. So I did and still no answer. By the way, we apologise for the missed calls. We were worried about you. You seemed off in the office and we wondered if you needed some of Joe's chicken soup. I can safely say, it always makes me feel better."

"Eddie, I'm fine. I just had a headache. What's the news about the case?"

"Grimm was spotted East of the city."

"Right, let me get my things-"

"-We handled it. It was your day off anyway." He cut me off.


"How was, er, Jim?"

"He was ok."

"You don't sound pleased."

"He's really pissed me off."

"Oh." Eddie replied, a slight smiled appeared on his lips.

"Come in."

"No, I should be going anyway."

"If you say so. If you're ever around these parts, feel free to pop in. I don't mind." I smiled.

"I will." He smiled back. It was like this for a few moments until he said: "I really should get going, bye." He turned and walked away. I watched him down the hall and then closed my door.

I wondered back through my flat and into my bed room and looked at my clock, it was 12:00 am. My dream left me feeling a little spooked, it felt so real. I didn't want it though, Jim knew about my past and now I wanted a new start.

A new chapter to be written in my life, and I wanted my new friends to be part of it.

Eddie or BarryWhere stories live. Discover now