Mrs Grimm

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"Have you seen Tate Grimm lately?" Eddie asked Mrs Grimm.

"No." She answered quickly.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Am I sure?!" She asked disgustedly. "If I have seen my stupid husband I would tell you." She exclaimed.

"Right, sorry Mrs." I apologised.

"You're not from around here are you?" She asked.

"No Mrs, I'm from Gotham." I replied.

"The accent fake then? Because I've never met an English Gotham citizen." She snapped.

"I'm from England, but I am a former Gotham Citizen." I glanced at Eddie, he looked rather uncomfortable in this situation.

"Back to the questions ma'am." Eddie replied. "So you haven't seen Tate?"

"Like I said, I haven't seen that bastard." She replied.

"OK." Eddie stood up. "That's all for the minute thanks."

"OK." She replied as she escorted us both from her house. Eddie was itching to go since we got here.

"Well." I sighed.

"Well what?" He asked.

"Why does she creep you out?" I replied.

"Her eyes, plus she has one of those faces that just creep the hell out of you. You know?"

"No, but that doesn't mean she isn't hiding something."

"Really?" He asked. "What?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I think she is hiding something definitely." I smiled to Eddie.

"Ok, we'll get doing our jobs then." He replied.

"So Eddie, what do you like most about this city?" I asked.

"Their passion to fight crime." He replied. "And you?"

"I like the fact that the guy in red I've heard about is protecting the city. He will risk his life to save us, even though nobody knows him, he has our trust."

"Yea, it's a bit like us, people trust us to find the bad guy, but not in the way The Flash does." He replies.

"We catch less super powered bad guys." I added.

"Which is a good thing, if we caught them we wouldn't know what to do with them." He smiled. We were strolling towards the station slowly.

"Did you, as the police, always get along with The Flash?" I asked.

"No, huh, actually we didn't. I didn't. That's what annoyed Iris. The fact that I hated the fact that someone thought they were above the law and took matters into their own hands. I didn't like the fact that he was doing my job."

"Well, I would have thought the same. We don't have many people like that back home." I replied.

"Well, you have The Batman so I guess you get your fair share of work."

"By that I guess you mean we get to deal with the odd bank robber or the rare murderer, other than that we don't get much, well other than running around after Batman."

"Well, not what I expected." He turned to me as we were walking up the stairs of the station. "What were your old partners like?"

"Jim is a good partner, so was Harvey, but they worked best as a pair. So having a rookie with them kinda held them back."

"Though it does mean that they created a great detective, well from what I've seen you are a good detective."


"How was Grimm?" Joe asked as we sat down at our desks.

"Hiding something." Eddie replied.

"Something we have yet to find." I added.

"How was lunch?" Joe asked.

"It was fine." Eddie replied. Joe smiled at him.

"Maybe Barry can find what she's hiding." Joe said. "Oh and someone called for you Parks, it was an old partner apparently."

"Jim." I huffed. "Did you answer it?"

"Yes, was that alright?" Joe asked.

"Yea, that was fine, did he say why he was calling?" I asked while I walked to my desk.

"No, but he said to respond as soon as you got back though." He replied.

"Ah, ok." I sighed as I sat down at my desk. I found my phone and dialed his number.

"Hello." Jim's voice always sounded deeper on the phone.

"You rang." I replied.

"Yeah, we really need to talk about old you."

"Old me?" I asked.

"From Gotham, people are digging things up Jaime. I'm afraid that they'll find things about you."

"Jim, can we talk later? I'm at work." I replied calmly.

"Well, not really. Bullock and I think it would be better if we sort this out now, so does Oswald."

"Os-" I stopped, after all Eddie knew The Penguin's name. "Don't get him involved Jim." Eddie looked at me as I was whispering to my phone.

"What I do is protect people, Jaime you are people and just because you don't live here any more doesn't mean I can't still help protect you. It's what partners do."

"I know Jim, but can't we discuss this later?"

"No, the Captain will start digging things up." He replied quickly.

"James, I moved for a reason."

"You leave me no choice Parks."


"You're going to talk about this." Jim raised his voice.

"Don't do this James, we both know what happens when you raise your voice."

"I know, I remember."

"Then why do you do it?" I replied. I heard a huff from the other end of the line.

"Stop, I don't need to be nice to you Parks. I'm not usually portrayed as a nice person, we were partners and we're not now. Also I'm not your partner outside of work any more, so don't for one second think you can talk to me like that." Jim snapped back.

"And so you think that means you can talk to me like that?" I replied with a snarl.

"And so, are we going to sit here bickering over the phone. It was always more exciting in person." Jim replied.

"I know." By this point Eddie and Joe were staring at me, after all the only thing that they heard was my side of the conversation.

"Jaime, to be honest I miss you. Don't let Harvey know, but it just isn't quite the same."

"Yeah, I feel the same way Jim. Though my new partners are great."

"Yeah?!" Jim replied.

"I'll call you later about this though. In all seriousness we need to do this in private."

"Ok." And with that I hung up. Eddie and Joe had obviously decided to watch for their share of gossip. "What?" I asked.

"Who was that?" Eddie asked.

"Jim, and thank you Joe for telling me I needed to ring him." I looked down at my work. "Is that all boys?" I asked.

"Yes ma'am." They both replied in unison. I smiled.

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