3. I'm nothing

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"I'm nothing" Frank thought. That two words raced through his mind daily, but today it kicked in harder.

"I'm nothing. I'm not a girl and no one sees a boy when they look at me. I'm nothing."

Frank was fucking pissed, today at school his math teacher said four words that felt like a punch. "I said a boy".

A girl was doing an exercise on the blackboard, when she finished, the teacher said it was a boy's turn now. Binary Logical. The teacher looked up from her book and Frank swore she was looking at him.

Frank got up, holding his notebook, to do the next exercise. And that's when the middle-aged woman ruined Frank's day, crashed his identity.

"I said a boy"

He sat down. Ignoring the giggles at the back of the class and got up when the teacher asked for a girl.

Because Frank was tired of correcting almost everyone when they missgendered him. He was tired of not existing.

Because he wasn't a girl, he wasn't cis and he knew that. He even considered other genders, but he always came back to the same conclusion: he felt like a boy.

Then again, he wasn't a boy. No one used the right pronouns, he was lucky Gerard was the one who found him in the boys bathroom and not some asshole.

Speaking of him, right now he was the only one who believed Frank was a boy - because even Frank doubted it- Gerard was magical in Frank's eyes, he saw him menstruating and still treated him like a boy.

Frank knew he was the one who decides his gender, but he so knew to not get his hopes high and even got used to being a "lesbian" when he didn't even really know who he liked.

And all this thoughts flooded his mind at his maths lesson, he quickly got up and went to the bathroom. To cry this time.

He cried, he sobbed, he couldn't care less of being loud.

He kept sobbing and practically choking on air even when the door opened, his tears kept rolling down his cheeks when a particular black haired boy kneeled next to every stall find him.

And he hiccupped when a familiar voice spoke.

"Frank, darling. Open the door." He sounded tired, and he was probably tired of Frank's bullshit. Everyone was tired of Frank's bullshit.

But Frank opened the door anyway, and the black haired boy made his day better again.

Gerard hugged Frank as he sobbed and buried his face on his chest, because even if they had met two days ago, Frank really needed this. He really needed a hug, someone to hold him when he broke to pieces.

"Frankie..?" The older boy tried, running his fingers soothingly through Frank's black strands of hair. He didn't know what to do, he could comfort him and make him stop crying but he couldn't relate to what Frank was going through, Gerard was a boy and never cared too much attention to the subject, he was fine with it.

Frank on the other side cared too much and hearing Gerard's voice so calm and soothing made him cry even harder.

Gerard cursed and dragged Frank out of the bathroom, the corridors were full of kids going to their next classes but still they backed off when they saw a mildly angry boy dragging some kid's wrist, pulling him outside the school.

Not Like All Boys - Frerard (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now