9. It's complicated

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There's times when you wonder when are you going to live something special, something memorable. There are other times when you know you've already lived some of those moments, and your memories of them are so vivid that you still feel it as it was yesterday.

And there are other times when you're living that moment. In the present. Right now.

That's how Frank had felt the whole afternoon, and when Gerard dropped him at home he felt far away from numb and empty, he felt all the opposite. Frank knew he was starting something special in his life and felt hopeful, he felt that his days weren't anymore the same 'wake up, breakfast, school, sleep' routine on repeat, something magic and intriguing started to invade his routine when he met Gerard, and now that little something was everywhere.

In the deepest part of his mind Frank knew he shouldn't let love be the most important part of his life, and he shouldn't get his hopes so up high as they didn't have a 'thing' -they obviously liked each other, but they only kissed once- still, it was way past his bedtime and Frank couldn't sleep. He felt restless.

His first thought was texting the only person his mind would let him think about, but if Frank felt so overwhelmed it was very probably Gerard did too, and maybe interrupting him from his own time alone would make him anxious.

Little did he know, Gerard felt just the same as Frank, and he couldn't wait for Tuesday to start and see Frankie around the school.

Because Gerard was feeling lots of things too right now, he was so surprised with Frank's reaction to the kiss and how naturally he acted. He couldn't wait for both to get more and more comfortable with each other, and he couldn't wait to ask Frank out. He couldn't wait to call him his boyfriend.

He was so in love.

Luckily, before the two of them exploded in a ball of buzzing happiness, Tuesday did arrive.

And as Frank expected, everything felt more real. His bowl of cereals even looked more real today if that was possible.

The trees surrounding his daily walk to highschool seemed to be greener, more alive. Maybe Frank just never acknowledged them, or maybe spring was arriving early this year, but for Frank it felt like the whole world was smiling with him.

When he arrived at school, the first thing he did was going to his locker to empty his schoolbag and pick up the few textbooks he needed for today. He even felt excited for school and couldn't wait to sit down and learn as much as possible, then he'd find Gerard in the break and-

Gerard found him first. When Frank closed his locker, the older boy was just behind it, grinning.

Frank jumped in surprise and grinned too, because Gerard's happiness was Frank's happiness and nothing felt as good as seeing someone be happy just because you're next to them.

"Hey, Gee..!" He greeted him, putting on his schoolbag.

"Hey, Frankie..."Gerard leaned closer and kissed Frank's cheek, making him blush immediately. "How's my favourite boy feeling?"

Frank giggled at that and looked away shyly, getting conscious of his surroundings and all the teenagers walking through the corridor. "I'm feeling cool" he paused and giggled again. "Even productive, can't wait to learn some Spanish right now"

Gerard raised an eyebrow at that and chuckled, not sure if that was sarcasm or the truth. "That's nice. Hey, can you wait for me in the break? Don't wanna miss your pretty face"

That was actual flirting. Gerard was flirting with him. Frank shouldn't be surprised by now but his cheeks turned red anyway, remembering yesterday's events. He looked up at Gerard's eyes and nodded curiously. "Okay... Do you have to do something?" He asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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