This Means War Chapter 6

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A/N: Pic of Anthony on side (another tumblr boy). 

And the video on the side is hilarious! You should check it out and the guy who made it had a lot of other funny videos. 

Rair POV

"Rair? Rair, wake up. Get up Rair. Get the hell up!" Mike's voice roared.

Falling out of bed, I took my pillow with me. I glared up at Mike as I threw the pillow at him. "I'm up, I'm up, now get out!"

He just laughed and walked out.

I rolled my eyes and got up to get ready for my first day of school. First impressions are everything so you know I had to dress to impress. I wore my white skinny jeans and a blue lace-shirt with my white tank top underneath it. I paired it with my white and neon-blue Nikes. I looked fly. I grabbed my purse with a long strap and put it over my shoulded before I grabbed my backpack and headed down to the kitchen.

Something was off. Julia, my foster mother was in the kitchen and she wasn't drunk. I froze for second hoping she'd go away. No such luck, frowning and made my way to the fridge. 

"Julia." I acknowledged her. 

"Rain." Bitch didn't even know my name. 

"Actually it's Rair." 

She looked at me like I was stupid. "I don't give a crap if your name is rare." 

I smacked my forehead, not caring enough to explain.

"Ok." I walked over to the pantry and got out the flour and sugar to make pancakes for the kids. I noticed we were running out and made a note to get some more groceries. 

Julia grabbed the food and the note.

"What do you think you're doing with my stuff? Do you run this house? Do you think you do? Well you don't!"

I scoffed and grabbed them back. "Um, last time I checked, I buy the groceries and you don't do shit except sit on your lazy ass and wait for the money that you get from housing us to come in." 

She frowned. "You're right, I do wait around for that money to come in. And the fact that there are so many of you means that I probably wouldn't even notice if the check for one of you was gone. So watch your mouth, Ron." 

"It's Rai- forget it." I just ignored her and continued making food for my foster siblings. After everyone ate, I heard Mike start his car a rushed to grab my stuff before running out the door. 

"Mike, wait up!"

I bolted into the car, afraid that Mike would leave without me. I put on my seatbelt and we rolled out. Sighing I put my stuff on the floor by my feet, then I looked around and realized that I didn't recognize a thing. The seats were nice, black leather and they looked new and not tore up like Mike's old seats. In fact, everything was new. This wasn't Mike's Jeep. This was an Infiniti G25! It must've cost a fortune, at least $20,000.

"Uh... Mike?"


"Where the hell did you get this car from?!"

He looked at me like I was stupid. "From a car dealership. Duh."

I rolled my eyes. "Okay, let me refrase that. How the hell did you pay for this?!"

He just smiled and watched the road, completely ignoring my question.


"Don't worry about it."

"No, I will worry abou-"

"Look! A bird!"

I didn't even turn. Did he really think that would distract me? "You're so stupid."

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