This Means War Chapter 5

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Pic of Mike (Rair's foster brother played by a tumblr boy) on side >>>>>>> 

Dominic POV 

I woke up in to the sound of soft snoring. I rolled over on a soft bed; not my own. Opened my eyes to a mess of red waves. She turned over to face and opened he bright green eyes. Kim, my stress releaver.

Kim wasn't always a slut. She was actually very shy and nice. People just took advantage of her big heart and self-consciousness. She and I used to be really good friends. She was sweet and innocent, which was what I really liked about her. Then one day she just...changed. She started dressing slutty and usually she didn't understand when my friends and I made inappropriate jokes but she soon started to make some of her own. What surprised me the most of all was that she began to sleep around.

I remember the first time I found out. I saw her with this guy, Jeremiah. She spent the whole day with him, fawning and kissing all over him. I assumed he was her boyfriend. Then that night, I went over to her house. Her mom told me Kim was in her room with some friends. So I went up to her room and saw the surprise of my life; my sweet, innocent Kim was in bed with two guys, none of which were Jeremiah.

Everything changed after that. I started seeing her less and we were growing apart. So in order to hold on to our friendship, I did what I had to. I started sleeping with her. At first it was all fun and games, then I began just sleeping with her whenever I was upset or stressed. I never wanted to, but eventually I became like the others; I was using her.

"Morning, Babe." I whispered seductively.

She giggled. "Good morning, Sexy."

We got up and hopped into the shower together. After we finished, she made me a small breakfast of muffins and toast. I would have to call Mona and tell her to make me a big breakfast.

"When are you coming to see me again?" Kim pouted.

I sighed and rubbed the back of my neck. I knew 'coming to see her' meant sex and I really tried to avoid using her as much as I could. "I don't know, but I'll call you." Not.

"Ok." She leaned up to kiss my lips but I turned my head and she got my cheek instead. She looked upset, but just shrugged it off. She should've been used to it by now.

That was my #1 rule: I never kissed my sluts on the lips. It made them feel attached, like I cared about them when I didn't. I cared about Kim, just not like that.

I left kim's house and immediately called Mona.

"Dominic, where are you? It's 10:45am. You should be home by now." She sounded a little panicked.

"I woke up late. Is everything ok?"

"Yes, everything's fine. There's just...a surprise waiting for you."

"A good surprise, or a bad one?"

"It depends on your mood." She hesitated.

"I'm not in a good one."

She sighed. "Just hurry home. I'll make you breakfast." I didn't even have to ask her.  

"Ok, see you soon."

I hopped in my car and drove home.


I walked into my house, breathing in the smell if warm biscuits, eggs, and bacon. That was my favorite breakfast but Mona only cooked it when she was trying to put me in a good mood. That meant something was going to upset me later in the day.

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