This Means War Chapter 7 (part 2)

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Hey, we're back! Sorry to keep you guys waiting. We've been really busy but we're back now with the second half of chapter 7. This is still in Mike's POV starting from where the coach is about to explain the game. 

Enjoy :) 

We followed the coach over to the field where there was an obstacle course of some sort. 

"The game is called 'Capture the Flag Boot Camp'." 

 People began blurting out questions:

"What the fuck?" 

"What is that?" 

"Why is the name so long?" 

"If you guys can shut up then I can explain the game. Each team member does one activity of the bootcamp. The first activity is 'The Wall of Shame'. You must climb the rock wall ang get to the other side. You must then tag another team member who will have to crawl through the mud and avoid touching the wires above them. If you touch them they'll shock you."

He paused to laugh cynically.

"The next team member has to run through 'The Web of Lies'. You must put one foot in every square in each of your rows. Each person has two rows of squares; one for each foot. If you If you skip any you have to go back to the beginning. The last team member will have to run up the steep hill at the end of the course, capture their team's flag, and then report back to me. You all will be wearing strips of a flag on a belt. Each team will have a different color belt to match their flag. If a strip from your belt gets pulled, you must restart your event. Now, figure out who's doing what and get to your stations! Oh, and by the way, the winning team will on have to run laps for the rest of the semester. They will also receive snow cones at lunch today."

He turned to speak directly to our group.

"Honey's group, you guys can have one person run up the hill and Molly can run the flag to me. Got it?" 

We all nodded except for Honey. "Molly has to run the flag? She'll make us lose!" 

"Would you rather her run up the hill?" Coach retorted. 

Honey pouted and crossed her arms. "No." 

"Ok then, get busy. You only have five minutes." 

After hearing that, we all huddled together. Immediately Honey started passing out red belts with red flag strips and giving orders. "Mike, you do the rock wall, Day'shawn, you do the mud crawl." 

Day'shawn interrupted her. "What about the wires? What if I get shocked?" 

"It won't if you stay low." She rolled her eyes and moved on. "Macy, you do the web of lies, and I will run up the hill." 

"You? Run? Up a hill?" I scoffed. "This'll be good." 

She just glared at me and then turned to Molly. "Molly, I need you to run for your life with that flag because if you make us lose, I won't hesitate to kill you." 

Molly gulped knowing it was serious. Honey really hated running and the snow cones were just a bonus. 

"Now everyone get to your stations!" She yelled. 

We all split up and I went to the rack wall. On one side there were rocks and on the other side there was a string that was supposed to help us get down the other side of the wall since it was pretty high and there were no rocks on that side. 

Once everyone was at their stations, Coach blew the whistle. I climbed up the wall quickly and with ease even though there was no string tied around me to keep me from falling. When I got to the top, I didn't bother using the rope to help me get down. I simply just jumped down and ran over to Day'shawn to tag him. My ankles were hurt from the jump but I didn't want to know what Honey would do to us if we lost the game, so I just ignored the pain and cheered on Day'shawn.  

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