This Means War Chapter 8

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Hey's sirry. Sorry i took sooo long but you guys have gotta comment. And tell people about this story!!! Please??


(RAIR POV & Authors)

After a couple of minutes i finally noticed that i'd lost them. Couldn't hear them yelling, 'Rair Rair' in the distance. Jerks. Especially Anthony. He thinks he's so slick. I Swear to god. I'm so tired of all this messed up stuff. First my stupid foster mom, then Dominic, now Mike is all buddy buddy with Anthony?? Then again...I never told him about who is was...or did I?? And---

What the...

Looking up Rair noticed she'd just bumped into a tree. The turning around quick she noticed that she had gotten very very far from school. She was in the middle of what could be taken as a forest.

What the heck?? How'd I manage to walk all the way out here? Is civilization even somewhere close to here?? Ugh.

"Hey you lost??" Someone in the distance called out.

Oh no. This is what happens in those slasher movies. The girls get lost in some weird place with no source of life, then out of no where some guy calls and the chase begins. You know what maybe i'm just over reacting maybe---

"Hey, you lost?" This time the voice was closer. Shit.


Rair was at a lose for words. To afraid to turn around or scream, she decided to just stand their and not talk to the guy. But he had other ideas.

"Are you just gonna stand their? At least turn around so i can see if your as beautiful as you are from the back? Or let me...."

Let him what?? Kill me??

Rair waited patiently for him to continued talking but...He never did. All she could hear was the rustling leaves, It was kinda of windy, she noticed looking up at the sky. Maybe he left. Rair decided to take a deep breath, then come up with what her next move would be.

"Chilly isn't it?? You look kinda cold from back here, and tired."

Rair jumped up in surprise. Then she whipped around angrily to face him, and what she saw was shocking...

It was...scott??


"Yes? Miss me Rair?"


Laughing, scott took Rair's hand and started running, and in that moment, Rair new she was in trouble. Because every time she dumped into Scott bad things happened, very bad things.

*Flash back*


So since I'm never going to update this I decided to at least show you guys the last chapter we were working on in 2014. P.S. you don't need to tell anyone about this story. I just didn't feel like deleting that or editing. Anyways, goodbye and stay safe.

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