This Means War Chapter 3

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Pic of Honey (Honey Cocaine) >>>>>>>> 

Dominic POV

I finally arrived at my usual hang out: the skate park. I stayed in the parking lot and waited for my peeps. I took out my phone and called Day'shawn.


I could hear the sound of his board skating against the ramps as I walked towards the park. Glancing around, I realized that the skate park was bigger than I thought. I mean its a rich town right so I probably shouldn't have been surprised, but i was still amazed.

"Ay yo, Dom!" Day'shawn said trying to grab my attention.

I snapped back into reality and realized the boys were all around me now; I hadn't even noticed that I had zoned out.

"Dom? You okay?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah, man," I said sighing and putting my hand behind my head, "I've...had kind of a bad morning..."

"Oh...well, do you..." They all said together but stopped and looked at each with a weird expression. I started laughing.

Day'shawn turned around and looked at them putting his hands on his hips like a chick. My bro was funny as hell. We all started laughing.

"Now look, I know I'm a sexy piece of ass, but that don't mean you gotta copy everything-"

"Oh hell no, bitch!" Evan said rolling his hips and hands. I laughed even harder, we all did.

"Mhmm girlfriend!" Jason did the thing girls do snapping there fingers, still didn't know what it was called.

"Gurrrl, don't make me pull yo weave out!" Paul said laughing.

"Like oh my gawd, guys!" I said doing a high pitched voice. We laughed until it was getting hard to breath.

"Okay, okay," Evan breathed and then said normally, "We need to act serious guys."

We all stopped laughing and stood up straight, breathing hard. Then we just looked at each other and after about a minute started laughing again.

"You know," Jason said laughing, "this reminds me of how some chick acts...if you know what I mean guys." He wiggled his eyebrows at me. The guys turned around to face me.

"Who is he talking about?" Anthony asked.

"Who else?" Jason replied.

"Oh...her..."They all said with extreme dislike.

"Yeah...guys I was thinking..." I started.

"Oh brother, he was thinking."

"Shut up Day'shawn," I smirked, "Matt's having a party tonight."

"He got off of probation?"

"No, Jason, he didn't." Day'shawn answered. 

"But I thought his mom said that he-"

"Jason, your dumb dude; his parents are out for like 5 months. They don't even know about the probation and yeah, but he's on house arrest." Day'shawn said chuckling. We knew he meant Jason had his moments.

"So..." The guys said at the same time, "When's the party?"


"Ok, then we have until then to skate and hang. Now, dude...tells us what happened before you came." Paul said.

I smiled sadly, here goes nothing...I hadn't exactly told them about it my parents yet.


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