Crazy horse!

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"Good morning (Your name)," Ciel spoke before sipping his morning tea. 

"Morning." You replied as you gracefully sat down at the breakfast table opposite him. "Will Elizabeth be joining us?"

"Shortly." Ciel replied.  You grit your teeth hard as your eyes swept over the food laid out.  Today was going to be a big fat no, especially spending the day with Ciel and blondie who will probably be all over each other.

"Tea, Miss.(Your last name)?" Sebastian asked.  You didn't hear him enter the room as per usual, he was almost too good at his job. 

"Yes please," You smiled at him.  Sebastian lent down and begun to fill you teacup up.

"Go along with the plan." He whispered to you so Ciel couldn't hear.  Giving him a discrete nod you thought best to not say anything but to give Sebastian the old flirty eye.  Sebastian continued to pour your tea however you made sure to look at him in a flirty way, hoping Ciel would notice.

"I think (Your name) has enough tea." Ciel spoke sternly. Holding back a small smirk you thanked Sebastian for the tea. "I have had the horses groomed and saddled for our day ahead."

"Wonderful." You nodded as you stuck to the plan and watched Sebastian leave the room hoping Ciel would notice.

"(Your name)." Ciel frowned.

"Yes?" You replied, meeting his harsh glare.

"I said I have had the horses prepared."

"I heard you the first time..." You had to hold back a grin. Suddenly a small brainwave hit you which might make Ciel mad. Taking a deep breath you went in for the kill. "Does Sebastian always wear the same suit? It looks very fitting." Ciel slammed his fork down at the words and stood abruptly.

"See you at noon." He gritted his teeth before leaving, slamming the door behind him of course. Score!


Elizabeth could not ride a horse. Not even if her damned life depended on it. It made you want to gauge out your eyes watching Elizabeth try to control her horse. Amateur.

"Elizabeth my dear, you must make sure the reigns are not tangled, otherwise it may discomfort the horse." Ciel warned as we all watched Elizabeth fumble around on the back of the horse. Seriously?

"Wait!...Crazy horse!...sit still!....Sorted!" She beamed after spending what felt like half an hour fiddling with the reigns, she finally made the horse trot onwards past Ciel and yourself.  Only then was it when you noticed that Elizabeth's dress was raised up at the back, almost showing off her undergarments.  Without thinking you started to laugh causing Elizabeth to stop and turn to glare.

"I'm sorry, is there something funny?" She glared daggers at you.

"Not at all Elizabeth." You smirked at her, knowing the joke was on her. 

"Onwards!" She called as she moved her horse forward.  You stifled a giggle again not only because of her dress but no one even says that when they ride a horse.  Looking out the corner of your eye your caught Ciel looking at you. 

"I couldn't help it!" You lowered you voice almost starting to laugh again, though this time Ciel's reaction shocked you.  He smirked and shook his head in a playful manner.  He even hasn't stopped Elizabeth about her dress so clearly this means something right?

"There's a huge muddy puddle!" She cried as she pulled her white horse to a stop.

"Are you kidding me?" You asked as you begrudgingly stopped beside her.

"No I am not! Look in front of you dummy!"

"Elizabeth." Ciel warned.

"Just go through it, it's not like your the one getting muddy." You rolled you eyes as you made your own horse walk on.

"She doesn't have to go if she doesn't want too!" Edward shouted over to you, you almost forgot that Edward and a couple other members of Elizabeth's family had also joined you.

"Just follow me Lizzie." Ciel spoke as he moved his horse forward slowly till he reached the other side with you.

"Wait Ciel!" She cried almost panicking.

"Come on princess!" You teased, smirking a little.

"You can shut up!" She screamed as she tried to get her horse to move. "When I get over there you're done for!" She threatened which only made you laugh. "Come on you stupid horse!" She moaned as she kicked the horses side. That was a bad move. The horse immediately stood up on its hind legs making Elizabeth fall off into the mud. All that filled your ears was the wretched screams coming from behind you as you walked your own horse on and into a gallop away from the commotion. It wasn't until the screaming and shouting faded away when there you noticed there was another set of galloping hoofs. Looking round quickly you spotted Ciel catching you up.

"Race you to the meadows!" He called as he sped past you. What? He actually sounded like he was enjoying himself...that's a first. You leaned forward as the wind swept by you, till you were side by side with Ciel and his horse. Before you could even stop and look at the scenery whizzing by, you had already ended up in the meadows. You hopped off your horse and begun stroking the horse you had been given. Her name was Chestnut.

"You are good with horses." Ciel commented as he jumped down from his jet black horse.

"I've always loved them." You smiled as you turned your attention to Chestnut. "You have nice horses...."

"A gift from a close friend." He replied, watching you pet both horses.

"Of course they were," you laughed "I wouldn't have guessed any different." Ciel chucked at your comment. "Why did you leave Elizabeth back there?" You asked not wanting to look at him.

"It's painfully slow watching her with any type of animal. Especially a horse. Plus she has her family to help her out." Ciel spoke.

"You know your going to be ripped to shreds by Edward later," you laughed.

"Probably." Ciel shrugged. "Anyway, I wanted to speak to you about something."

"Really?" You asked, turning to face him.

"It's about what I said to you in my study, when you arrived here. Saying that no one will ever want you...." Your heart ached as you remembered that day, his words had cut like a knife. "I want to apologise."

"What has made you change your mind?" You asked.

"I shouldn't judge a book by its cover." He nodded, as if he was convincing himself.

"Thank you..." You smiled a little.

"We should get back." Ciel spoke as he took hold of his horse. "So I can get strangled by Edward." You did nothing but laugh as you pulled yourself back up onto Chestnut. You couldn't believe that Ciel had apologised for his words, it was a shocker. Defiantly progress!

Ciel X Reader: Smile that forgotten smileWhere stories live. Discover now