sex in your veins

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some kinky shit right here im just gonna,,
more blood sucking
kinda passable dirty talk
basically gerard gets pinned down at some point ?? ya idk either he seems so sweet n innocent

"Y'know what I haven't done in a while?"

Frank was taken off centre by the sudden change in subject.

"I dunno. What?" Frank said casually.

"Sex." Gerard deadpans, unmoving from his position on his bed with his arms crossed above and under his head, staring at the ceiling.

Frank raises his eyebrows, "Oh." Is all he has to say.

Gerard laughs. Their relationship had been strictly romantic so far, for a good few months. Sure, Frank does want to have sex with Gerard, and he fantasizes about how hot it would be regularly, but he doesn't know if Gerard wants to. Gerard is either really good at hiding the need to go farther than making out, or he doesn't feel the need at all. And if he does, Frank's going to fucking respect that.

At this point, their relationship had been like friends, but they make out and kiss and cuddle too closely for "just friends" and say regularly that they love each other. And Gerard sucks Frank's blood and doesn't hurt him and refuses to ever do so, but that's another story.

"It's been like, literally forever. So I guess this is my way of asking..?"

Frank raised an eyebrow.

"Um, I- Frank. I want you to..."

"Oh," Frank drew out, fully understanding what Gerard was trying to say. He assumes he looks shocked on the outside to Gee, but inside you could say he's died and gone to heaven, more likely hell, though.

"But- Gee, aren't your parents and Mikey home? I don't think it would be a good idea for them to hear us..." Frank said hesitantly.

Gerard rolled over onto his side, pressing his body to Frank's side, throwing a leg over Frank's thighs, "I heard them leave while you were playing guitar earlier. House is empty..." He smiles, running his pale finger in circles on Frank's clothed chest.

"I just..? Really didn't know if you wanted to? That's why I never asked. Like, I want to, but it's not up to just one guy, y'know,"

Gerard giggles, dorky and nasally, "Frankie, I ask to suck your cock so much I'm almost surprised you're doubting my consent."

Frank smiles, "I never know when you're joking or not."

Gerard gasps dramatically, sitting up and putting a hand on his chest. He moves himself so he's straddling Frank's hips, "Think I'm joking now, Frankie?" He looks down at Frank with a smirk.

"Maybe." Frank snorts.

Gerard grinds his ass on Frank's still soft dick, although feeling it twitch through Frank's jeans, "Still joking?" He asks, smiling and unable to contain the giggle that bubbles up again when Frank's eyes widen.

Frank rests his hands on Gerard's ass, squeezing and making Gee squeak and smile, "Nah, not really."

"Mm, good," Gerard whispered, rolling his hips. Frank hummed, sounding content.

"Hold on, Frankie, sit up," Gerard asked, getting up on his knees so Frank could scoot back from under him and sit up against the wood panelled wall at the head of Gerard's mattress. He got himself comfortable sat upright, and Gerard knee-walked his way forward and back onto Frank's lap.

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