sweet addiction

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continuation/backstory on how Gerard and Frank started dating back in the first oneshot


All of this casually progressed to them dating. They were closer than just friends, with all the cuddles and snuggles and short pecks on the cheek. Sometimes more than that, like the night Frank officially stayed overnight and shared Gerard's bed and around maybe 3 AM...

Gerard rolled over on his side to see Frank, who was lying on his back with his arms under his head. He ran a cold finger over Frank's warm face, getting him to turn and face him. Frank opened his eyes partially, raising an eyebrow.

Gee placed a hand on Frank's cheek, leanings in and getting really close. Their noses bumped.

Frank seemed to understand where this was going. His eyes closed, face relaxed, waiting for Gerard, if that's what he's doing. Frank's heart was kind of racing, maybe he's wanted this for a while. Just maybe.

Gerard felt the ghost of his heart racing in his chest. It was an odd fluttery feeling, barely there. He kind of crashed on Frank's lips, pretty slobbery and awkward. He could feel Frank smiling, kissing back. Their lips moved experimentally on one another's for a second, then pulled apart.

Frank's cheeks were pink. Gerard giggled, feeling butterflies as he looked at him.

"I really like you. Make out with me please." Gerard said sleepily, swiping his cold thumb across Frank's warm cheek.

Frank didn't hesitate to place his lips on Gerard's again, cold and hot at the same time and slobbery when Frank flicked his tongue on Gerard's bottom lip after a few seconds. Gee squeaked when Frank wrapped his arms around his waist and rolled him on top of himself, getting Gee to straddle him.

They were chest to chest and hip to hip close, Gee looking surprised and Frank still trying to shove his tongue down Gerard's throat eagerly. Frank moved his hands down the curve of Gerard's back, feeling the unwashed fabric of his favourite sweater and the ever curious lack of warmth underneath.

"You're so cute when you're surprised." Frank whispered, his hands on Gee's feminine hips.

Gerard hummed and relaxed after hearing that. He adjusted his arms so he had his forearms on the mattress around Frank's head, able to play and pet through his hair as they kissed slowly. Their tongues awkwardly pushed around when Frank finally got Gerard's mouth open, which might have happened because he was running his hands all over Gerard's body and gave his ass an experimental squeeze and he gasped. Frank just slipped right in.

Gerard's fangs got in the way quite a bit, they giggled every time they poked and gently scraped on lips and tongues. It was hard to work around but it was fun either way.

"Your mouth tastes like..." Gerard kisses Frank again, open mouthed and licking, "Like... Mint. Lasagna! Eggplant lasagna."

"That's exciting to you?" Frank smiled.

"No no, Frankie, I haven't tasted like, human food since I died." Gerard explained, suddenly sitting up and bouncing excitedly, forgetting he was on Frank's lap momentarily, smiling like an idiot.

Frankie grunted when Gerard kept bouncing on him, kind of like fuckin' stop, too tired to get off and I haven't even bought you a drink yet, and Gerard saw the warning in Frank's eyes a muttered a quick "Sorry," while smiling and giggling.

"But really," Gerard leaned down and kissed him sloppily again, "I love the way you-" another kiss, Gerard rocking his hips once, twice, changing the mood, "Kiss, it's kind of," a deeper kiss, Frank shifting between his thighs, "Dirty. Fuckin' sexy."

Frank smirked and looked at his squirmy - whatever the fuck they are now - on his lap. He vaguely thought of the rest of Gee's family upstairs. He saw Gerard smiling at him in the moonlight, fangs poking out from the sides of his mouth. The light shone in from the small window near the top of the room, the curtain pulled back. Someone has to close it before they sleep or Gerard will wake up uncomfortably toasty.

He ran a hand down Gerard's spine, stopping at his lower back and holding their hips close. "Be my boyfriend," he meant for it to come out more as a question, "...Please?"

Gerard kissed him quickly, like he couldn't fucking get enough of it, addicted to the feeling of Frank's lips already, "Fuck, yes. Totally." He spoke against Frank's lips, not wanting to lose contact.

After that, they must have made out for another fucking hour, fangs and lip rings catching occasionally. The time read 4:36 AM when the finally broke apart, having started at like, 3:30 something AM. So definitely more than an hour.

Their positions switched halfway through with Frank on top of Gerard, between his legs and pressed close, lazily rocking and rubbing against each other through pyjama pants with no real intention or purpose. When they finally stopped - only because they were fucking exhausted - Frank started to doze off with his head snuggled under Gerard's chin when he heard his new boyfriend sigh happily.

"I think I'm fucking addicted to making out with you."

"I'm down for that." Frank breathed against Gerard's pale neck, smiling to himself.


I actually rlly liked this one it was cute

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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