life's no fun without a good scare

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[danzig voice] bonfires burning bright pumpkin faces in the night i remember HALLOWEEN HAAALLOWEEEBN

title is from This Is Halloween if u nerds didn't already get that

🍁👻 here's a fluffy halloween special 🎃💀

"The curtains are closed!" Mikey shouted down the basement stairs, and right away he heard Gerard bolt up the stairs, feet banging all the way up and making the old carpet covered wood creak and groan.

He ran into the kitchen, excitedly zooming past his little brother in his boxers and a big black David Bowie t-shirt towards the fridge. Gee was all smiley this morning, from the minute Mikey came down to check on him and found him awake, to the present moment where he's digging through mom's leftovers to the back of the fridge for the bag of blood. Halloween is always his favourite holiday.

He snatched the baggy out of the back, carefully maneuvering it around people food, "Mom and dad awake yet?"

"Nah," Mikey said, pouring cereal and milk into his bowl, "Frank is, he's been spamming me all morning about how excited he is for his birthday." Mikey said, sitting down at the table with his cereal and fixing his glasses. His hair was still a sticky hair sprayed disarray, he needed a shower to deal with that.

"He's been texting me too, it's adorable." Gerard said, grinning stupidly because of his over excitable boyfriend. He grabbed his favourite mug and poured himself some of the partly congealed blood from the bag, sticking his tongue out at the slurp it made.

"I'm glad you guys met. You needed a new friend." Mikey said, muffled through a mouthful of cereal.

"You could have introduced us," Gerard put his mug in the microwave, "But you were scared to." He smirked.

"Well," Mikey started, unable to really find a viable reason for keeping people away from Gee.

"You know I'm not that bad, Mikes."

"When you're happy and fed, sure." Mikey mumbled, and Gerard flicked him and stuck his tongue out when he walked by.


Donna came downstairs after Mikey had gone up to take a shower. Gerard was watching the "kids" Halloween movies they had playing that morning, scoffing at the unnecessary addition of the word "kids", fuck you, he can be forever 18 years old and watch Halloweentown and The Corpse Bride if he so pleases.

"Good morning, evening, whatever time it is for you, sweetie." Donna laughed, walking over, still in her pyjamas and plopped herself down on the clutch beside her oldest son.

"Technically, yes, evening. Fuck sleep," Gerard snorted, "Good morning mom."

"Hm, you excited for Halloween?" She asked, pretty redundantly, picking a little bit of fluff from Gee's hair with her long fake nails and going eugh from how greasy it was. "Maybe you should be excited for a shower first," she sniffed, "That's nasty, kid."

Gerard huffed, "For sure. And meh."

"No seriously, you smell like death. And I think that might be too accurate of a costume," She said, "It's a bit suspicious. Anyways, I'm going to make breakfast and get ready, I have to work at the salon today."

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