everlasting cocksucker

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this is probably bad i apologize in advance and the title is a marilyn manson song and literalylt a fucken pun

picks up where life's no fun without a good scare left off read that first

They listened to Misfits and Frank squished Gee's round bum a lot, making him squeak and giggle. Both Frank and Gerard himself thought he should wear them more often, if his butt was gonna get touched.

Frank was kissing the back of Gee's neck and whispering; "Thank you for the best birthday, baby."

Gerard giggled, "You want me to make it an even better birthday, Frankie?" He said coyly, running his thumb in gentle circles on Frank's knuckles. 

He felt Frank smirk against his neck, "Oh, and how could you do that?" Frank asked jokingly.

But Gerard wasn't joking. He rolled over so he could face Frank, his long hair shading his face when he lied down beside his boyfriend. He put a hand on Frank's hip, squeezing a bit and looking into Frank's big hazel eyes with his own shiny red ones, "Could we make maybe later, possibly right now?"

This threw Frank off, he though for a second he was getting birthday sex, oh god, "...What?"

All Gerard did was slowly slide his hand from Frank's hip, down to slowly cup Frank's flaccid dick through the pyjama pants he was borrowing and licked his lips. Frank's memory from earlier that day must have clicked, "Oh."

Gerard smirked, rolling his palm on Frank's crotch, feeling him twitch, "Yeah."

Frank made a low noise in his throat, realizing that he was getting birthday sex, and felt the need to reciprocate of Gee was going to do that, "Only if I get to do this."

Frank rolled over on top of him as soon as Gee nodded in blind agreement, his thigh still between his legs. A pair of soft, pink lips met the side of Gerard's neck, progressing from soft kisses and licks to sucking and nipping when Frank found Gerard's sensitive spot. Frank was intent on giving hickeys, and lots of them. He wanted to mark him, and also just have fun watching Gerard get embarrassed if his brother, or worse, mother, saw them. Although, Frank thinks that Donna would just be glad to know her eldest son is finally getting laid again.

Frank continued to suck on Gee's neck, making him whimper and gasp and squirm. It all went straight to Frank's dick, feeling him writhe underneath his body. He could feel Gerard's hard on pressed against his thigh, and on a particularly hard suck on his skin, Gee moaned and bucked his hips. Frank rutted his own hips on Gerard's and squeezed Gee's bum again, digging his fingers into the skin there, momentarily surprised by the silky fabric there.

How did he fucking forget about the panties.

Gerard squealed and bounced his hips back up, trying to get more friction going on. Frank's mind was really preoccupied with the idea of Gerard's erection straining against the red, silky fabric of his panties, hidden just underneath his black sweater to keep going on with what he was doing.

Gerard stroked a hand down Frank's back, "Frankie? C'mon, I really wanna. Y'know," he groaned when Frank pushed his hips down to the bed with his own, "Wanna get the show on the road..."

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