Chapter Six

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Jaylen locked up the garage like she did every night. She was always the last to leave, making sure all the work done that day was filed correctly and everyone who's vehicle was ready, was called.

Surprisingly, she didn't mind it. She grew up doing dirty work for her dad and working a bar. To do something legitimately made her kind of giddy. She didn't mind working in a bar, but her father's bar was another story.

She walked over to Hatchett, whom was grinning at her. He wrapped her in a hug and handed her a helmet.

"Ready, sweet?" He asked, climbing on.

"Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

She held on as he drove through town. The warm air hitting her face. Summer was just around the corner and like every year she dreaded it. While everyone was baring it all and stripping down into swimsuits, she was making sure she was covered up and didn't have a heat stroke.

They drove out of town and past the lake. Continuing on a long stretch of road. Buildings turned into trees and trees turned into valleys and mountains. Then Hatchett turned on to a trail toward the mountains. He took it around the base of the mountain, passed a sign that said "DO NOT ENTER", and further down about a mile or two until he reached a spring with a waterfall.

Hatchett cut the engine and they climbed off. She stared at the place around them. The trees reaching up to the sky, the waterfall bringing water down into the clear spring. She could hear the birds chirping, the wolves howling, and all the other creatures of the woods. It beautiful and breathtaking.

"It's beautiful here," she said.

"Banks found this place a while back. We come here during the summer for parties sometime."

"Well you obviously don't let anything happen to it."

He nodded. "We clean up after ourselves and make sure it remains how mother nature intended it. Isabelle loved this place and nature in general so we made it as kind of a memorial for her."

Jaylen smiled a little. "That's sweet of you guys."

"I figured it'd be a good place to talk."

"Alright. Let's start with this morning."

He laughed once. "This morning... wasn't an accident."

"Well you were sober so I was thinking more along the lines of insane," she jumped in.

He pursed his lips. "I- You-" he stopped to collect his words. "I can't get you out of my head. You're my first thought every morning and you just stay there. When you went missing, I went crazy trying to find you. I kept telling myself it was for the club, for the girls, but in the back of my mind I knew I was doing it cause I just had to get you back. Cause... cause I need you around."

"You're not making any sense. You hate me." She said, looking at him.

He looked like he was struggling with what he was trying to say. His jaw was tight and his eyes pleaded with her to understand what he was saying. Yet as vulnerable as he looked in the eyes, he still looked like one badass biker who could kick her ass.

Or make you disappear, she thought. She hated how her mind could still turn things into the worst possible scenario.

"I know. I did hate you at first. I did my best to keep hating you. But you, Jay, I couldn't help myself. I like you and I like you a lot."

"So what do you want from me?" She crossed her arms.

He sighed. "I need to know... I need to try..."

"Spit it out, Hatchett. You're a biker for Christ's sake. Tough up and tell me what you want." She snapped.


"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," he said, stepping closer to her. "I wanna see where we go."

"You mean like boyfriend/girlfriend? Like a relationship?" She laughed. "This is you were talking about Hatchett. You're one of the biggest horndogs in the club."

"I admit I'm more active than others, but I want to try to make it work with you. And that's something I've never considered doing with a girl."

"So I should be honored?"

"Damn right you should be," he laughed. "Just gimme a shot, Jay. Teach me how to be a boyfriend."

She laughed. "It's not really something you can teach. I mean you see how Snake, Digger, Falcon, Rampage and the other guys are with their girls. Just... talk to them?"

"So is that a yes?" He asked, looking a bit hopefully.

She pursed her lips. She wanted to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming. Hatchett had been a constant probably for her since she first showed up. From the moment she got there she knew that he hated her but his gaze always sparked a fire in her she had never felt before.

He haunted her dreams. She lost her breath everytime he stared at her. And the few times he touched her she either got goosebumps or he brought something to life inside her.

Their relationship was complicated. He hated her and she secretly lusted over him. The years dragged on and their attitude toward each other shifted. Hatchett seemed to be everywhere she was, watching her, but never going near her.

Then the night of Rebel's wedding, she went for a walk because Hatchett was drunk and kissed her. She figured because it was dark he thought she was a sweetbutt.

"Jaylen?" Hatchett asked, shaking her a little. "You ok? You spaced out."

"Are you serious about trying to make this work?" She finally asked. "You really wanna try this because I don't wanna waist my time if you're not."

"I've been thinking about this a lot, talked to some of the brothers with Old Ladies. I wanna try this, Jay. Will you give me a chance?"

"I should say no," she said, biting her lip. "You've been a real dick."

"Can't argue there..."

"But I can't get you out of my head either."

He gave her a lopsided grin.

She stepped forward and grabbed him by the cut, pulling him closer. "Don't fuck this up, Hatchett."

The Bikers Enemy (Warriors Series {4})Where stories live. Discover now