Chapter Twenty-Seven

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One month later...

Jaylen sat in the doctors office and fidgeted with the blue paper gown. She looked at the white walls with the "mommy" posters everywhere. The ultrasound machine was next to the table she was on and it felt like it was mocking her or something.

After some healing and a lot of arguing with Brea, and one positive--secretly taken--pregnancy test, Jaylen found herself at the doctors. Pregnancy tests gave false positives all the time and she needed to make sure that hers was false. But the little bump she was beginning to get was telling her otherwise. She wanted to blame it on a food baby or finally gaining some weight and keeping it on--

The door opened and Jaylen blinked away the tears she didn't know we're in her eyes. She sat up and smiled at Dr. Bray. The blonde woman had a big smile on her face, it made Jaylen's stomach drop and her smile falter.

"Congratulations, Jaylen. You're having a baby."

That's when Jaylen's world came crashing down. She saw it, felt it, heard it. Time stopped and she couldn't breath. Dr. Bray continued to talk but Jaylen was too busy watching her world fall to pay attention. She felt the tears sliding down her cheeks.

"Oh, here you go, sweetie," Dr. Bray handed her a tissue. "You must be so happy. Have you been trying for a while?"

Jaylen cleared her throat. "Uh no... we just thought I couldn't..."

"I see. Well I'll send you home with some pamphlets, make sure you pick up prenatal vitamins. Now..." she looked at her charts, "When was your last period?"

"Um... four or five months ago. But I'm usually irregular and skip a few sometimes."

"Ok, why don't you come back next week and we'll try and narrow it down. Sound good?"

"Ok, yea, sure."

"You can go ahead and change and make an appointment at the desk. I'll leave everything you need with with the receptionist. Have a good day, Jaylen."

Jaylen put her clothes on and made an appointment for next Friday. She did it all on a blur, just going through the motions. She closed the door to Brea's car, put her hands on the wheel, and burst into tears.

She sat there for a while before she finally wiped her tears away so she could drive back. Or at least pick up Brea from the mall and go back to the clubhouse. She'd tell Brea first and then figure out how to tell Chains. Did he even want kids? They'd never talked about that before.

Jaylen found Brea outside of the food court. It took two trips to the car to get all of the bags loaded. She hopped in the passenger seat and started off.

"Ok, so as you can see, I did a lot of shopping but half of the bags are for you. I figured it'd give us a good cover in case--" Brea finally looked up. She stopped talking and Jaylen knew she was frowning. "Jay? What did the doctor say?"

Jaylen bit her lip and tried to smile. "I guess we're gonna have to clean out the second room. Make it a nursery..."

"Oh, sweetie, I know it seems bad, but once that little darlin growing in you is born, you'll be so happy."

"Oh yea, I'm sure. I just don't know how to tell Chains."

"Sit him down. Tell him it's important. Tell him you've been feeling sickly lately and took a test." Brea shrugged. "Simple as that. He's not going to overreact because you're the woman. You'll be the one stuck at home all time with the baby and he can go about his life."

Jaylen didn't say anything to that. Honestly, the whole thought pissed her off. She knew that mother's and babies has special bonds because it was the mother that carried them, and usually the mother "mommied out" and had to be in control and know everything tjat happened, but why is it that the father got to do whatever the hell he wanted?

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