Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chains pulled over to a rest stop so the brothers could take a piss or whatever they needed to do. Jaylen wrapped her arms around herself. If she thought she felt dirty just riding behind Chains before, then she felt revolting now. She knew it was coming, she knew he would take her, she just hoped he would wait a full day...

Boy, was she wrong. Chains was almost as bad as he used to be. The only thing he hadn't done yet is verbal abuse her and beat the shit outta her. Probably because he needed her to hold onto him on the bike.

Two more bikes came roaring into the rest stop. Blood Bag and Rust got off their bikes and walked over to her.

"You seen Chains?" Blood Bag asked, taking his sunglasses off.

"He should be over there," she pointed to the restrooms and vending machines.

"Why are you alone?" Blood Bag asked.

She looked around the rest stop. Any one who was there when they pulled in was long gone now. "Where would I go?" She held up a hand.

Blood Bag scoffed, "Stay with her. I'll go get Chains."

Rust nodded and crossed his arms. She rolled her eyes. Did they really think she was that stupid? They were in the middle of no where--or at least, she didn't know where--there was no way to out run them, and not to mention she left with Chains willingly.

Then again, in their eyes, she was the President's daughter and Chains Old Lady; she escaped, failed to report back to them, and got comfortable with the enemy. She felt like an outsider. She would have to learn the club again and new tricks to stay on the men's good side. She was ready for this, she new what to expect, but at the same time she was completely unaware and afraid.

Her hair was yanked then, pulling her off the bike. She screamed and tried to pull her hair back. Damn her, she needed to stop zoning out!

She was pulled up and came face to face with Chains. Tears blurred her vision and she tried to blink them away.

"What did you say to them?" He growled.

"What are you talking about?" She gritted her teeth.

"The two Ghost Warriors that are high tailing it down the highway. How did they know you're here?"

"I don't know! How could I tell them anything? I don't even know where we are!"

Chains dropped her. When she tried to get up he slapped her and she fell back down.

"How do you wanna go about this, boss?" Blood Bag asked.

"Tell the brothers to hurry the fuck up. We got another day to get to where we're goin. Tell them to fucking hurry so we can lose these fucking Warriors."

Jaylen sat up, wiping the blood from her lip. Her cheek and eye were sore. She knew she had a spilt lip and she was probably going to have a bruise and swollen eye.

And here it begins...

"Give me a phone," she said weakly.

All eyes turned to her.

"I'll call Sarah. Tell her I'm not coming back, I went willingly. Whatever will get them to call their boys back."

Chains raised an eyebrow. Crouching down in front of her, he gripped her jaw so tight she'd probably have bruises there too. Her cheeks puffed up with his grip and she could barely see out of one eye. "Why would you do that?"

It took her a moment to speak. "Because I'm with you. And I don't want anyone to die for me."

Chains grinned and pulled out a burner. "No funny business, babe."

The Bikers Enemy (Warriors Series {4})Where stories live. Discover now