Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Hatchett sat with Jaylen in the waiting room at her doctor's. They had to walk because he refused to let her ride on his bike, and the whole time he ranted about her not having a car. It was hot as fuck and she was pretty far along in her pregnancy. He made sure to call Digger and let him know that he found Jaylen, then he had Digger send someone up with a van so he had a way to take her home. Snake and Viper were coming up and should be there some time tomorrow.

He felt her hand on his knee and jumped. "Relax," she said. "Your leg is bouncing worse than a vibrator."

He laughed once and shook his head. "Can't wait to go home is all."

"What's do you mean?" She asked, her brows pulled together and she frowned slightly.

"I'm not leaving you here. I'm getting you the fuck home."

Her eyes widened and fear covered her beautiful features. "Hatchett I don't think that's a good idea. You've never dealt with Chains before, he'll hunt me down--"

"So I kill him. Problem solved."

"And what about Jailer? He's been fighting for three years to get me back, once he finds out I'm gone he'll  take back his club and he'll massacre yours."

"It's not like we haven't been at war with them before. I'll kill all the mother fuckers if I have to. But you're coming with me. Tonight."

"Hatchett... please. I can't bare the thought of losing you again, it'll kill me."

"Then come with me. Cause I'm not leaving you here. And I won't let that psycho raise my kid. How would it work out anyway? Sneak around to see each other, let the kid get confused about who daddy is?"

"Ok... I get it... I'll go with you, but I need one thing from his house."

"Hell n--"

"It was my mom's."

He groaned. How could he argue with that? He knew she didn't have anything from her mom and to deny this would be like denying her apart of herself.

He rubbed his hands on his face, "Will he be there?"


"Fine. I want you in and out, am I clear?"

"Crystal," she leaned over to kiss his cheek and wrapped her arms around his, placing her head on his shoulder. "Thank you."

They got a few moments like that before a nurse called Jaylen in. She seemed surprised to see him, but he figured since this was the first time daddy showed up, he'd get a lot of looks. The nurse got Jaylen situated on the table asked some questions, took some things, said "The doctor will be in in just a moment", and left.

"Nervous?" She asked.

"Little bit."

She smiled. "Don't worry. It's beautiful."

He leaned down to kiss her as the door swung open. A tall, blonde woman came in, looking at a folder. When she looked up, her smile got bigger when she saw him.

"You must be father," she held out her hand and he shook it.


"Nice to finally meet you."

"You too."

"Well Miss Jaylen, are you ready to find out the sex?" The doctor asked as she set up her machine.

"The sex?" He asked surprised. He just found out he was going to be a father, usually there was some wait time to decide if he wanted to know the sex.

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