Chapter Eight

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Jaylen watched as her father trampled threw the house, knocking down chairs and tearing apart the decorations. He kicked a present out the back door and threw more into the fireplace.

He had come home drunk. When he saw all the party decorations he got angry and started yelling at her mom. Her older brother just sat on the couch and played his Gameboy, plugging in his headphones when dad started yelling. He didn't have to worry about anything. He was dad's favorite.

"Stop it!" Her mother yelled. She ran up to her father and grabbed his arm. "Jailer you're drunk! It's your daughters birthday for Christ's sake! Stop it, damnit!"

Her father pushed her mother off of him, turning on her. "Shut the fuck up, woman! All you fucking do is complain!" He swung and hit her in the face. She fell back onto the table, breaking it.

"Mama!" Jaylen started to run to help her mother, but her mom help up her hand.

"No, baby, I'm ok. It's ok, go hide and I'll get you later." Her mom said quickly. Jaylen hesitated and she yelled, "Go!"

"Don't tell her to hide from me!" Her father yelled and kicked her mother.

Jaylen ran up the stairs and watched as her father pulled out his knife. He kept yelling at her, telling her how tired he was of her getting in his way and holding him back. He tied her to the bottom cabinets and ran his knife down her body, cutting her. She screamed, crying, begging.

Jaylen stared down at the whole scene. Silent tears ran down her face. She wanted to help but she didn't know what to do. If she went down there her dad could do the same thing to her and she couldn't call the cops. She learned that the hard way when she thought someone was breaking in.

Jailer then started to strangle her mother. Her mom tried to grab at his hands and try to pull him away. Her eyes shot to Jaylen and she saw as the life left her mother's body.


Jaylen bolted upright, breathing heavy. She could feel tears streaming down her face. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her tv was still on and it was still dark out.

She felt the bed shift and turned to see Hatchett sitting up. Shit, she hadn't realized that he had fallen asleep in here too. And now he was going to witness the aftermath of her nightmare/memory.

"Hey, you ok?" He asked, quickly turning on a light.

"Uh, yea, yea. I'm fine, don't worry about it," she turned away before he could look back at her.

He gently turned her back toward him. "Then why are you crying?"

She sucked in a breath. His dark blue eyes were so intense staring at her. For a moment she almost gave in. For a moment she almost broke down and told him. For a moment she almost let him comfort her. For a moment she almost told her story to someone for the first time.

"I just had a bad dream. That's all." She looked down. "Um, you should probably leave. Don't want anyone to see you leaving, right?"

"I don't care. I'm not leaving you alone." He brushed a tear away. "C'mon, we still have a few hours of sleep left." He pulled the covers over them, pulling her against him and holding her tight.

Jaylen laid down with him. Part of her embarrassed that he saw her like that and part of her was relieved that he refused to leave her. He kissed her head and ran his fingers threw her hair until they both fell asleep.


Jaylen sat watching Netflix in the game room. She laid in her pj's, a pillow beind her head, and a bowl of popcorn sat on the floor next to the couch. She grabbed a handful every now and then.

Hatchett came walking toward her. He had a drop-your-panties grin and his eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief. He bent down and kissed her lips, nipping them once before pulling away.

"Someone could see you," Jaylen giggled.

"Let them," he said, lifting her legs to sit next to her and laying them across his lap.

"You're a little cocky today," she poked his cheek. "What's up?"

He gave her a look and she began to get nervous. He had to tell her something. Her heart skipped a beat, fearing the worst. She wasn't used to good news so how else should she be reacting.

"Hatchett, what is it?" She almost started to plead with him.

"Every summer I go to my parents for a week. That week is coming up."

"Oh." Her heart sank a little. They had been almost inseparable lately and now he was leaving for a week...

"I was wondering... if you would come with me."

"To--To meet your family?" She stuttered. The shock had to be clear as day on her face.

He chuckled. "Yea, if you want to."

"Um, wow..." she took a deep breath. "Where does your family live?"

"Colorado. I know what you're gonna say, but trust me. It's a long ride from here to there and I know it took you a while to leave the clubhouse when you first came here, but trust me to take care of you."

How? How could she trust him to take care of her when she couldn't even confide in him about reliving get mother's murder almost every night? He wanted her trust, and he had it for the most part, but this was traveling to the other side of the country!

Her heart was pounding. She was breathing rapidly, but she felt like she want breathing at all.


She could hear Hatchett but she was lost in her panic. Could she handle traveling that far?

Wherever you go, I'll find you... her father's words rang in her ears.

"Jaylen, look at me, babe!"

Her eyes snapped to his. His eyes scanned her face, his hands holding her cheeks. She could see the worry he had for her and she felt so vulnerable she almost teared up.

"What the hell was that, Jay?" He asked when her breathing returned to normal.

"I just-- I panicked when I thought about traveling so far... I'm sorry. That was really childish."

"Don't be sorry. It's totally understandable. I get it if you don't wanna go."

She should go. He wanted her to meet his family. Meeting the family is a big deal, right? She's only been with one guy and his family was her family.

She could do this. Hatchett would be with her. He would keep her safe.

"Ok," she looked him in the eyes. "I'll go."

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