Chapter 3

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 Chapter 3-

Carson’s P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to my phone buzzing like crazy.

“Urrrgghhh. Why can’t you just shut up? I like to sleep too, phone.” 

I got out of my warm cozy bed into the cold air, and let out a little whimper.  It was so cold in my room. I grabbed my phone as fast as I could, and ran back into my bed.

I had ten messages from Allison, and I can’t believe she cared to see if I was ok because the way her and Brent were making out was pretty intense.  I texted her back anyway.

 Carson: Hey Allison I am ok sorry couldn’t get back to you last night phone died.

Allison: Hey I am so sorry about last night. Are you ok though, are you hurt or anything?

Carson: It’s ok I am fine, I got home safe and I am not hurt.

Allison: Thank god!!! We should hang out today I have to make it up to you.

Carson: Um… How about we go to dinner later like around six?

Allison: sounds good I will pick you up around five thirtyish.

Carson: Ok see you then

Allison: cya!!!

I checked the clock and saw it was nine o’clock. Oh My God, nine in the afternoon, the Panic! At the disco meeting is at noon. I jumped out of bed and ran to the kitchen. Luckily my parents were sitting there drinking coffee and reading the newspaper.  I really don’t know how I am going to tell them this, but I have to do this. I want this it is my life and I want this. I can do this I walked in the kitchen to make breakfast.

“Hi, honey,” my mom said.

“Hi, honey,” my dad said

“Hi, can we talk?”

“Sure. How was the dance?”

“Um… fun I guess.”

“You guess? What went wrong?”

“That’s not really what I wanted to talk about.”

“Oh! What do you want to talk about then? “

“Um… well I was asked to join a band!”

“Oh! Well you and your friends should have fun with that for a while. ”

“Well… that’s the thing it is not going to be with my friends. It is an actual band that goes on tours around the country and world! It’s a job and right after high school it can be a full time thing I wouldn’t have to go to college.” This got my dad’s attention because he finally put down the newspaper and looked at me.

“The answer is NO,” he said.

“But this could be the start of something big for me dad can you see I am all grown up I am not the baby of the family anymore.”

“You still are a child you will not join this band.”

“If you don’t let me now then I will wait a month and go and do it on my own. So we can wait and I still won’t listen to you or you could let me go through with and watch your child love what she does and make a name for herself.”  I keep a hard face on the whole time. I was so scared inside because I never talked to my parents like this. I always did what they want me to do.  My dad finally broke eye contact and let out a sigh.



“Sure, you can join the band.”

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