Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Allison’s P.O.V.

I tried running, but it wasn’t fast enough. I could never get away. He just kept on getting closer and closer. The world around me was complete darkness other than the sidewalk I was sprinting across and the large crescent moon.

I looked back at the monster chasing me. He had messy blonde hair and a scruffy beard. His face was contorted into a wrinkly simile, showing off his big set of pointed and razor-sharp teeth. His hands were claws and his body was one of a giant beast. The monster was completely human, but at the same time, not human at all.

As I was looking back, the sidewalk ended, but I continued to run straight off into the blackness, until I fell into a small, dark room. The monster was close, too close. I looked around searching for a way to escape, but there were no doors or windows. I was trapped.

The monster came towards me and my fear escaped my mouth in a small yelp, although I knew screaming was pointless. No one would hear me.

Soon, the monster had me pinned to the ground and was kissing me.

“Stop! …please,” I begged. It just laughed, a dark, ugly, cackling sound.

It started to take off my clothes. “No, please…” my voice was coarse, my body rigid with fear.

Just as it started to unbutton my pants, the room flashed with a bright light. Surprised, the monster jumped off of me and went towards the corner where a glowing figure landed.

Still frightened, I backed against the wall and hugged my knees to cover my exposed chest.

The figure quickly started to form itself into a man, his skin glowed and he stood with large white wings attached to his back. His flawless head was topped off with dark brown hair and large, beautiful brown eyes.

Angered by the intruder, the beast jumped in the air and bore its claws in attack. The man was faster though, he brought his foot up to kick the monster, which caused it to hit the wall and crumple to the ground. It quickly stood again, advancing on the angel.

When the beast came close enough, the man brought his fist up to punch it under the chin. The monster burst into dust that was taken away with the darkness that left the room.

For a second, the angel stood there, looking like the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

He walked, no floated, over to me and we looked into each other’s eyes. Then, he picked me up bridal style and laid me down on the gleaming white canopy bed.

At first, I was a little shy to show him my bare chest, but he started kissing me and it all took off from there.

As our bodies moved together, I called out his name several times in pleasure.

We ended with one last, long moan and I opened my eyes, smiling and breathing contently.

I turned my head over and suddenly saw Carson siting up and gawking at me. My stomach lurched and I swiftly sat up.


I squeezed my eyes shut thinking it was just another part of my dream and opened them again to see that she was still there.

She looked behind me for a split second and I imagined the worst. Slowly, I turned my head and saw the boys were also looking at me with shock.

No, no, no, no, no.

At the end of the line, Brendon stood there, his expression saying everything I felt. My stomach became even tighter and I barfed what little content it had all over Brendon’s feet.

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