Back Home in the Mainland

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Time stood at a standstill almost... moving slower than a jelly-slug on a cold winter day. The time was nine o clock in the morning by now, still on the day that Alice had disappeared down the rabbit hole. No on had yet noticed that Alice was no longer there, nor would they for several hours or... in Dreamland time, weeks. Everyone was still in bed, still sleeping, still dreaming of a land where they ruled it all while Alice, was chasing that dream in the waking world, even though it may not be the world that her family and friends back home lived in for their whole lives. 

If Alice were to return home, time would continue to move as slowly as it was now. Our time is much slower than time in Dreamland which is what accounts for missing chunks of our memory. If you've ever met a girl who has a perfect memory... chances are she is one of the Alice's and she has been to Dreamland and left, realizing that she is not the Alice.

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