Chapter 5 Caught

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Date: 5th May


Did I see that right? I could have sworn Jenna just kissed Tay.

I shook my head.

No. No. That can't have happened. Just keep playing drums Mike. Just got to finish this song then your done. Then you can go have all the lesbian make out hallucinations you want.


Date: 6th May


"Morning, Miss Happy." Jordan grinned at me with a mouth full of Lucky Charms. "Why are you so happy today?"

I could help but smile. Last night had been so amazing. First the kiss, then getting to hang out with her all night. It was perfect. I could not ask for more. Tay was perfect. I could believe that she's mine. My perfect Taylor Jardine.

"Oh you know, just happy to be playing shows again and happy I've made good friends with you guys."

"Yeah," he replies "you and Tay have really gotten close."

Oh yeah we have. Much closer than he knows.

I love the beginning parts of relationships. Sneaking around and keeping it a secret and stuff. It's just so much fun.

"Yeah... Umm do you know what you guys are all doing today?" I asked.

He swallowed his cereal "I think" he paused "were parking the bus by the beach and going surfing. I'm not sure though. Ask Jamie, he's driving.

"Awe that sounds fun."

As we drove down the highway the other members of the bands emerged from their bunks. After about an hour they were all chatting in the front lounge. All except Vic, who went to sit up front to talk to Jamie.

They seemed so at ease with each other.

As weird as it sounds, watching them made me feel happy. Just the way they'd act and the things they'd do. The way when Jamie would saying something funny Vic would always wrap his arm 'round Jamie.

Even from a distance you could see how close there friendship was. It just brightened up my day.



"Come on ladies!! Get in the water. Those bikinis weren't just made to sunbathe in." I yelled over to Tay and Jenna. They were both spread over a towel soaking up the Californian sun.

"No!" They replied in unison.

"Why not?" I heard Tony say from the waters edge.

Tay sat up "because the last time I went in the sea with you lot, I ended up losing my bikini top"

I fell to my knees with laughter. The memory of her shocked face was priceless.

She folded her arms "not funny" she huffed.

"I'm sorry," Jamie laughed "I had to. The temptation was just to strong."

"I forgot to say last time, nice tits" Tony added with a wink.

All 3 bands burst into a laughing fit. I high-fived Tony for his comment and headed to the sea.



Jenna and I lay on the beach watching the guys. Occasionally we would laugh at there childish behaviour.

"So did they really see your boobs?" Jenna asked.

I sighed "Yep, nipples and all. Most embarrassing part of Warped"

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