Chapter 7 Promises

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"Well that was fun" Tony said while towel drying his long hair. "It's nice you girls finally came and joined us"

I felt a lump form in my throat. We only joined them because we had to. Mike had made us. After what had happened I just wanted to crawl into my bunk and vanish. Going in the sea was the last thing I wanted to do.

Mikes lanky figure appeared through the bus door. Vic, Jaime, Jenna and I went noticeable quiet.
His eyes met Vics and they seemed to have a convocation through looks, nods and shrugs. I guess it was a brother thing.

Mike gave a subtle signal to his band and walked back out the bus. Cautiously, Jaime and Vic stood up.

"Tony" Vic breathed "do you mind joining us outside for a minuet."

"We've got something you need to know." Jaime finished. His usual happy, fun, excited voice wasn't there. It was dull and lifeless.

Tony nodded and followed them out the bus.


Mike (WATIC mike not PTV mike) broke the silence. "What was all that for?"

"I don't know but it's gotta be something good make Hime shut up."

The bands laughed at Cameron's remark.

Jenna looked at me. Her eyes were filled with worry. She'd never looked more fragile than in this moment.

I reached for her hand giving it a light squeeze.

"It'll be fine" I mouthed to her.

The boys slowly stopped talking and I could feel there gaze on Jenna and I.

"You guys could be so close to kissing right now it's unreal" Jordan laughed.

The bus door swung open. Tony ran through, betrayal in his eyes.

"Tony. Wait, Tony?" Jaime ran after him. He grabbed Tonys wrist.

"Get off me!" Tony yelled in his face yanking his wrist free and continuing to run to the bunks.

Jaime stood there. Trying to fight back his tears. His best friend in the whole entire world hated him. Hated everything he'd become.

Vic wrapped him up in his strong arms and engulfed him in a hug. They stood there for a while in silence.

"Vic, why don't you take Hime for a beach walk. You've got a few hours until bus call." Mike said patting his brothers shoulder.



A gave my brother an Encouraging look as he walked out the bus. I wanted him and Jaime to do all the talking now. I am only here for moral support.

"So what's the news?" Tony began "rumor leakage, tour canceled, end of tour pranks beginning already?"

Vic sighed "No Tony. Jaime and I have something to tell you. We've been hiding it from both of you for a while now. Mike only found out today by accident."

Tony's face fell to confusion.

"Look" Jaime spoke "I know we promised no secrets when we joined this band and I wouldnt keep anything from my best friend if I didn't have good reason to."

Tony nodded slowly

"Guys, I think it's just best to tell him straight out" I suggested as it looked like the rambling on was confusing Tony.

"For a while now Jaime and I have been in a secret relationship."

Tony's face filled with shock "So you're" he gestured towards Vic and Jaime "like gay?"

They both nodded slowly.

"We would have told you but we were scared. We didn't know how you and Mike would react." Vic quickly said.

"We're still the same people, Tone" Jaime rested his hand on Tony's shoulder.

Tony's jaw stiffened up. He roughly shook Jaime's hand off.

"You're not the same. You broke a promise. A promise you made to me years ago." His voice was harsh and bitter. It cut like knives.

He span round and stormed back into the bus. Jaime followed him leaving Vic and I to exchange worried glances.

Oh shit. Tony's flipped out. Angry Tony is not the person you want to mess with.

We ran back into the bus just in time to see Hime grab Tonys wrist and spin him to face Hime.

"Get off me!" Yelled Tony yanking his wrist free. He ran down the bus. From where I was standing I could just about see him stop outside his bunk. He punched the wall letting out a yelp. Then he disappeared into his bunk.

Jaime's body stood lifeless watching wear Tony had gone.

Tony and Hime were always close. It was Tony who introduced us to Hime in the first place. They had been friends long before Pierce The Veil. Whenever we had Hotel rooms to share, it was always them in one room and Vic and I in the other.
This had to be tough for them.

Vic wrapped Hime up in a hug. They stood there for a while. Everyone was silent in the room.

"Vic, why don't you take Hime for a beach walk. You've got a few hours until bus call." I said patting my brothers shoulder as I passed him on the way to the bunks.

Tony was acting strange. He isn't homophobic. This had nothing to do with the relationship. What was going on!?

I found him curled up in his bunk facing the wall.

Quietly I knelt down so I could rest my elbows on the edge of his bunk.

"Hey Mike" he muttered

"Hey Tone"

Tony sighed "why did I react that way. I feel horrible." He turned to face me "did you see the look on his face when I yelled at him. I-I've never yelled at him before."

"What making you upset, Tone. You don't normally act this way"

"I don't know" he brought his arm around his face so they covered his eyes. "I just felt betrayed"

I waited. Hoping he'd expand on that.

"It's just... Years ago, way before Pierce The Veil, I had a tough time with home life and I kept it from Hime. Then things got really bad and Hime got really worried about me. When I finally told him what was wrong we made a promise not to keep secrets any more. And we haven't. We've known everything about each other... At least I thought. I just feel like he broke that promise."

Something wasn't right. I understand why that could annoy Tony but not this much.

"There's something else. Come on. Tell swag daddy your problems"

"Huh it's so stupid though"

"What is?"

"I'm upset because... I feel alone. Everyone's getting with everyone lately! Jaime's got Vic, You have your girlfriend, fuck Jenna's got Taylor!"

What? He Knows? "You know?"

Tony smiled "yeah I've known. I saw them kiss side stage and they almost kissed on the beach today. I put the to together. But yeah. Everyones in relationships and the there's me. Little lonely Tony turtle."

"You just haven't found the right girl yet. You know Turtles mate for life" I couldn't help but laugh at the end.

He smiled at me "Thanks Mike. I'm really glad you're here to be swag daddy"

A/N: sorry I took so long for me to update. I've been really busy with finishing my GCSE (really important exams in England for anyone who doesn't know) then I've had Prom, Glastonbury Festival and I went on a two week holiday to California. I've just been to busy to write. But I'm bak now and Im gonna try update all my stories every other week. XD

Also, this is very much a PTV chapter. Not much Jenna and Tay so sorry for that. I just needed to put it in. Don't worry. The jest chapter will be all Tay and Jenna.

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