Chapter 13 Home

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The 6 hour drive back to San Diego was hell.

The first hour was filled with questions about Tay, Tony and myselfs night of drunk madness. Not a great thing to deal with while nursing a hangover.

The second with an awkward silence between bands. It was as if there was some unwritten rule that conversing with other bands was a sin.

The next three hours were littered with embarrassing jokes, comments and reminders:

"Do you guys remember when we walked in on Tony, Tay and Jenna after their night of wild sex?!", (Tay asking Tony to get her a monsters while he's at the fridge) "That's not the only monster she's gotten from him", (Me dropping my phone and saying 'Fuck') "Tay, Tone. Jenna's requesting your services" etc.

The final hour, luckily, was over powered with fatigue. This caused everyone to huddle together in a big heap and take a power nap. A moment of uninterrupted, jokless, commentless, peaceful silence.

I awoke as soon as I felt the bus role to a stop.

"Home, sweet home!" Vic's voice sung from the drivers seat.

The mass if sleeping bodies groggily got up to peer out the bus window at the sight of the Fuentes residence.

I felt a sigh of relief pass over me. Thank god that journeys over!

"Better get packed" Jordon muttered as his lanky body paced towards the bunks.

As relieved as I was to know home was only a flight away, I was kind of sad. I had grown accompanied to this bus and the people on it. Yeah, they've been dicks over the past few hours but still. I've grown to love them.

I packed the last of my, down right filthy, clothes into my suitcase and closed it.

That's it. The tour is done. You've got a mass of washing to do then a flight to catch tomorrow back to Australia.

I noticed a single sock on the floor. Must have fallen off the bed. As I knelt down to get it I noticed the yellow tape on the edge of my bed.

'Jenna <3' it read in my thick handwriting. Beneath it I noticed new lettering.

Written in beautiful handwriting it read: 'who I love and adore with all my heart- Tay x'

When did she do this? How have I not noticed it before?

I glanced over at Tays bunk to see it empty. Nothing but a red piece of tape remained.

'Taylor x'

I couldn't help but smile. She must have done this one night while I slept.

I carefully peeled off both pierces of tape and re-homed them on my phone case.



Everyone plied into the living room after placing bags into their rooms.

We had one night left here before everyone catches their planes home.

Home is a strange place for me. It's a break from constant uncertainty. From waking up in a different city every day. From performing to crowds. From doing what we love.

Home is never truly home, though. It nothing but a warm bed in a paper town. I'm only ever there for a few weeks of the year. Including Christmas and New Year where I'm visiting family anyway.

It's strange how a moving bus is more of a home than my actual home.

"So..." Mike broke the silence "who's up for some grub?"

A chorus of agreement filled the room.

"Okay then," he continued "Vic and I will cook and..." He looked over the room scanning who was awake "Jaime, Tay and Jenna, can you go to the store and get some taco shells, a selection of peppers, salsa aaand..." He quickly scanned the cupboards and fridge for anything he'd missed "and Milk, cereal and juice for the morning."

"WHAT" Hime wined "why do I have to go??"

"Because you know where the store is and Tony can't go as he's practically asleep" Vic pointed to the tattooed lump laying face first in a bean bag.

Jaime huffed and puffed the entire 5 minuet walk to the store.

He was like a small child.

Once the shop had been bought, Jenna and I decided to let Jaime walk ahead a bit to get out his muttering.

"I can't believe it's over."

I looked questioningly at Jenna "What do you mean?"

"This tour. All of it. So much has happened here."

"I know. It's insane"

She fell silent for a while "I'm gonna miss this... I'm gonna miss seeing you everyday" she was looking directly at me now

I felt a pang in my heart. This distance will surly kill "I'm gonna miss you too bit we'll keep in touch and do tours together. Maybe even do guest vocals on each others songs?" I nudged he with my hip.

"I'd love that" she stated into my eyes and stopped walking. She leant in a gently pressed her lips to mine. I still got dizzy when she did that. I will never grow used to that feeling.

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too" she replied with a smile.

We turned back to the path way to continue our walk. Jaime had made it quite far ahead of us now. He dipped into the alleyway that lead to the street the Fuentes house was located.

"Better hurry up" Jenna giggled as she took a hold of my hand and speed walked along the pavement.

Being alone, in the dark in a place I didn't know made me anxious. I could feel my pace quicken as we grew closer to the ally way.

Only a few steps now.

Only a few steps until...

A hooded figure stood in the centre of the ally blocking our path.

He looked up at us.

My heart was in my throat as his face was revealed.

"My sister loved the note you wrote her" Nicks unpleasant voice croaked. "But I'm afraid I want a little something for myself now"

No! No! What the fuck is he doing here

Jenna's grip tightened around my hand as we heard someone come up behind us.

"I'm sure you remember Scott" Nick grinned

Jenna let out a scream then I felt a piercing pain on my neck then -


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