Chapter 11 Drunken Memories

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I could feel the buzz of alcohol in my head.

The room was spinning slightly but I kept partying. This night was amazing. Booze, awesome music, all my close friends and Tay. I couldn't ask for anymore.

"JENNNAAA!!!" Vic yelled over the crowd enthusiastically

I stumbled towards him "VIICC!" he grabbed my arm and pulled me into him.

"How awesome is this?" He slurred

"It's legend... Wait for it" I smiled

Vic smiled back as he waited


Suddenly Jaime appeared out of nowhere.

"Sorry Jenna, let's me steal Vic for a sec" he said just before he roughly pushed Vic to the near by wall and full on made out with him.

When they finally broke the kiss they were both panting for air.

Vic turned to me and smiled "sorry but I gotta go do something" and with that he pulled Hime by the shirt towards to bunks.

I gasped jokingly "that something wouldn't be Hime would it?" I yelled after them.

Vic span around as he walked and flashed me a wink.

They disappeared into the bunks so I decided to go find Tay.

It didn't take long to find her. She was on the sofa in the front lounge playing CoD with Mike.

Just as I sat down Tay shot up in a drunk victory celebration.

"HA! HA! I win again Fuentes!" She danced in front of Mike "you lost to a girl 5 times in a row!!!"

"You cheated!" He tried to reclaim his losses hopelessly.

"I did not" she said as she sat down next to me.

Mike huffed jokingly "fine. I'll go find Vic, we'll see if you can beat him. Jenna have you seen him?"

I couldn't help but laugh "I know exactly where he is but if I were you I wouldn't go find him"

Mike looked at me confused.

"He Fucking Jaime in his bunk"

"Ew we urg I don't wanna know that!"

Tay and I bursed into laughter over his reaction.



I spotted the girls sitting on the sofa with Mike.

I bounced over and pulled the girls off the sofa "sorry Mike, there mine now"

"You can take them" Mike laughed "their being show offs"

I saw Tay flip him the finger as we walked away.

Suddenly I felt them stop.

"Where are we going Tone" Tay laughed

"To the back lounge to do some shots" I could hear the smile in my voice.

Jenna's eyes widened "oh no you Arn't" her and Tay began to run away but I quickly caught them and through them over each shoulder.

"Your going no where"

"Tony! Let us down" they giggled.

I walked past the bunk section trying to ignore the moans coming from Vic's bunk.

Once we made it to the back lounge I put the girls down in front of me and closed the door.

"Shots Ladies?" I said as I pulled out a bottle of Vodka and a Bottle of Whiskey.

I filled up 3 shot glasses with Vodka and 3 with Whiskey.

With a devilish smile I handed them the vodka shot before grabbing my own "cheers" and with that we took the shot.

*several shots later*

"Tone" Tay slurred "have I ever told you how attractive you are"

"Your not just attractive" Jenna added "with that stubble thing you got going on your down right orgasmic!"

They both took another shot. They were stumbling all over the place now.

"Tay?" Jenna said drunkly "I love you"

"I love you more" Tay said throwing her self into Jenna's arms and placing a big kiss on her lips.

"That's so hot" I said with my devilish grin plastered on my face.

Tay grinned at Jenna "we better watch it. We don't want to turn him on do we"

I walked towards them and whispered in their ears "to late for that ladies"

My plan was working. They were drunk and flirty. It was all falling into place.

I walked past them and took a seat on the sofa that lined the back wall.

The girls looked at each other and then walked towards me. They each kneeled on the sofa so they were straddling each of my legs. Their hands rested on my chest and shoulder.

This is happening! It's actually happening.

They leant down, mirroring each other's movements, and placed kisses over my neck. I felt Tay bite a little and leave a hickey. They continued kissing over my neck until they met at my throat where they kissed each other.

God they were so hot.

I leant forward slipping my hands under their shirts and pulling them closer to me. As they were making out I kissed each of their necks slowly sliding my hands up their bodies.



The feel of Tonys hand sent tingles through my bodies.

Suddenly I felt Jenna's hands pulling on my shirt. I broke her kiss and aloud her to pull it over my head leaving me in my bra. I did the same to her then we turned back to Tony.

Jenna leant down and kissed him roughly on the lips as I made my way to the end of his shirt and began to reveal his tattooed torso.

The skin to skin contact with the two of them felt to good. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to get it all off.

Within seconds I was naked. Tonys smile grew and he pulled me onto his lap and placed a kiss of my lips then trailed kissed down my neck to my chest where is left a massive hickey on the side of my boob.

I could feel a hardness grown within his skinny jeans.



Tay sat there, straddling Tony completely naked. I had to get in in this, I couldn't let them have all the fun.

I stripped out of the rest of my clothes and kneeled next to Tony on the sofa.

While Tony was occupied with her boobs I gave her another passionate kiss. I let our tongues dance together while our lips moved in sync.

My hand slid down her stomach like it had done many times before. I knew exactly how to please her and that I did. As soon as my hand reached to between her thighs she started moaning quietly.

Using my free hand, I ran my hand up Tonys leg and unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans. Soon they were on the floor leaving him in his boxers. His excitement was now on show for Tay and I to see.

Tay got off Tony and mirrored me. Together we kissed down his heavily tattooed chest until we reached the edge on his boxers. Only using our teeth, we slipped them off him releasing him from them.

And now the fun begins....


Ahh I've been wanting to write this chapter for a while xD

I got the chance to see Pierce the Veil on Friday when they were supporting Bring Me The Horizon. They were so good but has anyone noticed how freaking hot Tony looks now. His new hair cut and stubble beard just make me asfjdjdjbfjdtjdjgsgh!!!!

Anyone else agree?

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