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A quiet guy who love his piano. He plays the piano since he was child. He has those good looking in him and also smart. He even have talent. He loves to dance too. But one thing that he doesn't have. MONEY. People always thought that the look of him will always has a lot of friends. But not for Luhan. No one wanted to talk to him because of his poor. He came from very poor family. But one thing that makes him happy, his girlfriend, Seo Junhee. They have been dating since he was 18 years old. Almost 5 years they have been date.

Seo Junhee

A beautiful girl, smart, talent and she got everything. People call her perfect. She loves to dance and also singing. People love her. She came from a wealthy family. She really loves her boyfriend, Luhan. They have been dating since she was 17 years old.

Park Chanyeol

Came from wealthy family. A friend of Junhee. A good looking guy and also smart. He has a little crush on Junhee. Well, secretly. Same age as Luhan.

Oh Sehun

A mysterious guy. Will tell him more details in story.

Supporting Characters

EXO (not all members will appear)


Hey, this will be short story. Will be in a few chapters but less than 20 Chapters.

This might be slow update too.

Sorry for my bad grammar. Will officially start in October.

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