The Ins and Outs of Airlocks

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"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come."

Joseph Campbell

June 29th, 2187

Samantha Traynor


It was a lovely dream of green grass, a sunny field, a babbling brook. She slept on the blanket with her lover, a woman of soft skin, ample breasts, a round shapely bum, and those wide eyes bouncing above her low, protruding cheekbones. The cheekbones were the first thing that caught Samantha's attention when they met. Ok, that was a lie, it was the very tight, low-cut dress and the wondrous cleavage, but those cheeks, ah those cute cheeks—both pairs.

Campbell once said the woman looked like a chipmunk. How rude! Campbell was always popping off, stupid marine. But here in the sun she looked... Hey! Where did the sun go? Where did she go? Samantha rolled over, instead of grass she felt bedsheets. Damn, it was only a dream. Or was it? The girl was real. She was certain.

Her mouth was dry and she was waking. "Mrrphm."

"What's that babe?" said a familiar voice.

Samantha felt the empty space beside her and sat upright in bed. Her eyes remained closed. She blinked a few times to get the lubrication going, then squinted in the dim light. Diana was in the kitchen in her underwear, chewing on a protein bar and washing it down with water. He skin still showed signs of recent dampness, but her hair was dry and styled. Samantha glanced around for the time.

"What time is it?" she asked.

"0630 give or take a few minutes," said Diana.

"Bloody hell!" said Samantha. "You let me oversleep."

Diana smirked. "I wanted first dibs on the shower."

Samantha grumbled. "We could have shared."

"Ha! Sharing with you always turns into sex, which means we go over our water ration and the shower cuts off, just about the time I finish getting off. And oops, forgot to wash the conditioner out of my hair! I have an exclusive with Hackett in just over two hours," said Diana.

"It's not a video broadcast," said Samantha. "Remember, he only agreed to an audio."

"I still don't want to interview the most important man in the Alliance with greasy hair," said Diana.

Samantha sighed. "Well, if you put it that way, but I expect you to make it up to me tonight."

Diana wrinkled her nose. "Make up what? I didn't do anything wrong. You're just thinking of another reason to get me to sleep with you."

"Well, of course, why wouldn't I?" asked Samantha.

"Baby, you don't have to coerce me, I'm yours," said Diana.

Samantha giggled. "Oh, really, Ms. Allers, all mine, huh?"

Diana rolled her eyes. "Hey, it was just a term of endearment, not to be taken literally. I'm old fashioned, nobody owns my heart until there's a ring on this finger."

"Wow!" said Samantha. "Is that a hint? So I gather I'm the one who has to come up with the proposal."

A devious expression crossed Diana's face. "Well, you are an alliance solider, and that makes you..."

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