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(A/N: I swear that this is XReader, Gabriel will only be mentioned a few times as you, since I felt like I needed a famous angel. And I'm sorry if you're not religious in that way, but I thought this was a good idea. Also, the outfit in the pic is what you're wearing in angel form.)

-Heaven-30 minutes before-
"Come on Michael! You're a prince of war shouldn't you be faster?!" The female laughed as her large, golden wings beat harder and made her fly at an incredible speed through a city that seemed to be entirely made of gold.
With a small grunt of determination, the male behind her tried his best to catch up. "Gabriel! Slow down before you-!" The male winced a bit as the female had glanced back at him, and hit the golden fence that encircled the elaborate city of gold.
"That was awesome!" Gabriel laughed as she sat up, holding her hand against her forehead, where there was a small bump forming, though she couldn't feel any pain.
Michael sighed as he landed beside the messenger, and he offered his hand out for her to grab.
"Father's going to punish you when he sees this." The prince of war whistled lowly as he looked at the dent in the gate.
"Oh come on Princey, I can get this fixed without him knowing. After all, he still hasn't noticed the crack in the fountain from last week." Gabriel insisted, looking quite proud as she stood up, dusting a few white clouds out of her (H/L) (H/C) locks.
"I haven't noticed what?" Gabriel laughed uneasily as she rubbed the back of her neck and she looked to see her father and king, who was standing beside a male who looked sort of like him, though he was blond and has blue eyes.
"Father, what a pleasant surprise. I thought you were in a meeting." Gabriel said shyly.
"I'm just gonna go...check on the troops." Michael smiled awkwardly, before quickly flying away.
Traitor. Gabriel scowled, before looking back at the two men with an innocent smile.
"I was in a meeting. Gabriel. This is Zues, of the Greek Mythology." God told his most trusted messenger angel.
Gabriel looked at the blond male and nodded her head in greeting.
"I have a favor to ask you, Miss Gabriel." Zues said, causing Gabriel to become totally serious.
"Oh?" Gabriel cocked her head to the side and stared at the man, Zues, who smiled warmly at her. "And what favor is it you are requesting from me?" She questioned, (E/C) orbs sparkling in curiosity.
"Miss Gabriel, in twenty minutes I will be recruiting a few troublesome gods, and a human. I am hoping for them to learn more about the human nature. Now, for my request," Zues leaned a bit against the golden staff that he had been holding in his left hand.
"How would you like to become a teacher at my school?"

-10 minutes before-Kusanagi Shrine-
The purple haired female stared with narrowed eyes at the old shed, where an omnious blue light shined.
Hesitantly, she walked over to the shed and opened the door, peeking her head in wearily.
From over there... Her amber colored orbs locked onto a wooden box, which had the bright blue light peeking from a few cracks in it.
"What is it?" She questioned aloud as she stood infront of the box. "Is it a katana?"
Undoing the dark ribbon on the box, she took off the lid and gazed at a sword that had a weird, blue colored aura surrounding it.
"It's...beautiful." She whispered, reaching out her hand and touching the sword with her index and middle finger, only to pull her hand away quickly when a shock of electricity came from the sword.
"What? What's going on!?" The female began to look around frantically as blue lightning began to strike around the inside of the shed.
The sword then began to float, before blinding the poor female with a bright white light.

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