Lesson 2: Entrance Ceremony

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-Classroom-Next Day-
I was told to watch over the gods this morning, but... Glancing around the empty classroom, Gabriel sighed as she crossed her arms over her chest and leaned against the teacher's desk. None of the gods had shown up.
Perking up as she heard the classroom door open, she smiled shyly as a familiar purple haired male walked into the room.
"Ohayo, Tsukuyumi, right?" Y/N questioned, glancing behind the Japanese god and not seeing his - slightly- intimidating brother. She was not sure if she was relieved or saddened by this.
"Hai." Tsukuyumi nodded with a dull expression, causing a sweatdrop mark to appear on Gabriel's head.
"Well then...please take a seat anywhere. Do you know if the others will be coming?" The (H/C) questioned as the purple haired male sat in one of the many empty desks.
"I brought a new classmate!" The poor male was not able to answer Gabriel's question as two blond males and the human barged in. The one with shorter hair was pulling Yui behind him, while the other, Balder, slowly followed.
"Oh, welcome!" Gabriel smiled. "Please introduce yourselves."
"I'm Apollon, Greek god of the sun, nice to meet you!" The green eyed male beamed.
He's the total opposite of his sister. Gabriel mused at the thought of Artemis, Apollon's twin.
"I am the Norse god of light, Balder." The Norse male smiled sweetly.
"You fell." Gabriel observed, seeing a cut on the male's hand.
"I do that often." Balder awkwardly laughed, causing Gabriel to smile as she remembered their meeting the day before.
"And you're the human representative, Kusanagi Yui." Gabriel smiled as she suddenly was infront of the purple haired female, who looked very nervous. Gabriel grabbed both of Yui's hands with a flowery background surrounded her. "You'll be safe in my hands, Kusanagi-chan, come to me if you want to talk about anything! That includes the rest of you, of course." The (H/C) stated, before letting go of the other female's hands.
"I am Tsukuyumi." The purple haired male introduced as he stood up, then sat back down.
"The introductions will need to end here." Gabriel concluded, a bit reluctant as she saw just about every other god wasn't in the classroom yet, though motioning for the others to sit at one of the desks. "The principal wants you all to hold an entrance ceremony." She said.
"How will we do that?" Apollon questioned.
"Kusanagi-chan, can you please explain to us?" Gabriel questioned, hopefully.
"Sure!" Yui agreed, getting up from her seat and going to the chalkboard, while Gabriel sat on the edge of the desk and watched.
"The entrance ceremony is a ritual held when school starts. Then the three most important things to do are..." Yui quickly wrote on the board. "These three things: read out the names of the new students, the principal gives a speech, and the new student representative takes an oath." She explained.
"Sure, sure." Apollon nodded, as if understanding.
"So if we listen close enough to everyone's speeches, then that is enough? How interesting." Balder smiled.
"When taking the oath, can we do things like sing?" Apollon questioned joyfully.
"No, I don't think it should have such a joyful atmosphere." Yui sweatdropped. "All students will attend, and everyone will be solemn...Um...Except for everyone here, what other sorts of gods will attend?" Yui questioned.
"From the Greek side they sent my uncle, Hades, and Dionsyus. Also known as Dee-Dee." Apollon informed.
Gabriel, much like Tsukuyumi, had a notebook and was writing everything she heard down. Well not everything, just what she thought was important.
"From my side there will be Loki and Thor." Balder replied.
"Susanoo." Tsukuyumi answered bluntly.
Glancing over the names written, Gabriel hummed under her breath as she realized there was one god left. Had Thoth told her the wrong number of students to watch after?
"We should call the other gods to come." Gabriel suggested, not missing the solemn looks on Apollon's and Balder's faces. "Because the entrance ceremony is an activity where everyone is gathered."
"Then, it's probably all for nothing." Gabriel glanced at Balder. "Loki defiantly won't come." The blond stated.
"Eh?" Gabriel and Yui chorused in confusion.
"Those who aren't here now seem like they don't plan on submitting. For now, you will just have to work with us." Balder stated shyly.
"Eh? What's going on?" Yui muttered.
"In other words, they don't plan on following orders." Tsukuyumi bluntly began. "It's not just the entrance ceremony. It seems like they don't on participating in this school life."
"I was summoned to help everyone graduate...If this continues I might not be able to go back home..." Yui frowned, looking concerned.
"Don't worry!" Apollon shouted, surprising both Yui and Gabriel. "But even if I say that you might still worry..." The blond muttered under his breath. "We will help you! Right, we will help?" Apollon glanced at the other gods and angel.
"We will all defiantly graduate, and we'll defiantly let you go back to your original world." Balder assured.
"We will eventually convince them." Apollon grinned.
"After all, there isn't a speck of dust that is unchangeable." Gabriel stated.
"Thank you." Yui smiled, tears filling her eyes.
"Come on! Let's do our best!" Apollon, even more fired up than before, exclaimed.
"Let's do it! So how should we prepare for the entrance ceremony?" Gabriel giddily questioned Yui.
"Right! Once the location has been chosen in the auditorium, set up the number of chairs for the certain amount of people. Then sit in order of your last names." Yui instructed.
"Last names...?" The two blond gods and (H/C) angel blanked.
"Order?" Tsukuyumi seemed the exact same.
"Usually it's based on the phonetic order of your last name." Yui explained while writing her name down and underlining 'Kusanagi'. Gabriel and Tsukuyumi took note.
"But we don't have last names..." Tsukuyumi drifted off.
"Really..." Yui looked like she just realized this.
"That's not a problem! No problem at all!" Gabriel exclaimed, suddenly standing on her desk and pointing her index finger at the ceiling. "Because you can give us last names, so it'll be fine!" She said, (E/C) orbs sparkling in excitement.
"Yes, please do that." Apollon agreed.
"Eh?!?" Yui started to freak out. "That...That's more than I can handle!" She shouted.
"But why? When it comes to human affairs, humans should know best. Besides you, no one else can do it." Gabriel pouted, sitting once more on the edge of the desk.
"I approve too." Balder spoke up, Tsukyumi nodding right afterwards.
"Since everyone agrees on that point..." Yui sighed. "Ah, also, who would like to be class representative? I'll write a copy of the oath, and then it will have to be read out loud." She said.
"Me, me!" Apollon raised his hand around furiously. "I'm the best at that sort of thing, so you can entrust it to me!" He insisted.
"If it was me, I would probably fall down again." Balder laughed shyly.
"I'm not going to do it." Tsukuyumi turned it down immediately.
"Then the job is yours, Apollon-kun." Gabriel giggled.
"Good! Then we will go to the auditorium to set up chairs!" Apollon exclaimed.
"Really we don't have much time." Tsukuyumi pointed out.
"That's right, and," Balder smiled softly at both females. "Just let us go. I'm also not cruel enough to let you get hurt in that sort of work." The blond insisted.
Yui blushed, while Gabriel scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest.
"As if! I'm supposed to be watching after you troublesome kids, so that's what I'll do!" The (H/C) stated, ignoring the invisible question marks on some of the males' heads and the words 'kids?' hanging in the air as all four stared at the woman who looked barely older than themselves.
"I'll see you all in the auditorium." With a small huff, the messenger angel grumbled and left the classroom.

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