Internal thoughts

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I woke up to some idiot knocking on the plane door. Behind me I felt Klaus's arms around me tighten and heard him groan, but he didn't even bother moving.

"Sir we have arrived." The Hybrid called from behind the door. They waited again and I felt silent steps simply make their way away from the door. I sighed and cuddled more into Klaus.

"Caroline, love. We have arrived." He whispered into my hair, then gently laying a kiss on my neck. After a few moments I felt him prop himself on his elbow and sit up. "Caroline..." He said moving me gently.

I turned over to I was facing him and frowned. He looked tired, not work tired but 'I haven't slept in three days.' Tired, which was the case.

"I know I heard you." I said getting up reluctantly. I rubbed my eyes and turned to face him, he seemed tired. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He looked over at me and smiled mildly.

"I'm fine, love." He said making his way to the door. "We better go buckle up, we are about to land." He said quickly,I nodded and he went out the door before I spoke another word. There is something he is not telling me.

I looked through my bag and found an old blouse, it was white with ruffles in the middle going down. I smiled at the blouse, I remember when I had gotten it. I got it the day Stefan and Elena told me some psycho killer was in town, Klaus.

It is so funny Two months ago I didn't even think twice about him and now, he's all I want. I have had feeling for Klaus for a long time, I've just never cared to admit them. But now that i'm done fighting crime with my friends, I can live my life.

I slipped on a pair of old blue jeans and the white blouse. I slipped my phone into my back pocket and went to the mirror to make my hair look messy. Which didn't need alot of work. I put some mouse in my hand and put my head down to make sure I got both the front and the back of my hair. Then I brushed my teeth and went to meet with Klaus in a chair to prepare for landing.

"You look beautiful." Were the only words that came out, I blushed in return and buckled my seat belt.

I looked out the window, to see we were in fact decending. That's when I noticed a small curled up person by the corner of my eye. I hadn't noticed them before. Then it hit me, that might just be the witch Klaus said was following us. I looked over at Klaus and tried to get his attention. But Klaus was to busy texting someone, I just sighed and laid back in my set. Ready to get out of this plane.

As we got out of the plane the girl still didn't wake up. As if there was no possibility she was even alive, but the sence that I could hear her heart, steady and light, gave me the conclusion she was indeed not a cadaver.

I got out of the plane first, then Klaus came behind me. But the girl I had seen hadn't come along. For the first time since I was with Klaus, I was afraid.

What if Klaus has some twisted mid-evil plan for her. Her heart didn't sound like a vampires, so she can't heal. And she certanly wasn't a werewolf, I know how those sound. My heart twisted a bit at the thought of Tyler, Jewels, and Hayley.

I was brought back to reality when Klaus put his arm across my waist and walked me in what seems the opposite way I was going, my heart skipped a beat. I looked over at him, but didn't smile. This is not the way this is going to end, I will find out what Klaus has planned for this girl.

But maybe his plans weren't so bad, maybe he is actually planning to side with this girl. I mean, Klaus hasn't ripped someone's heart out since I was here - has he?

He lead me into a black SUV. Gosh what was his deal with these cars? Klaus slipped me into the back seat and closed the door. I was so confused. I heard the back of the car open and saw some Hybrids (Encluding Klaus) loading my things and a couple of other cases. I made eye-contact with Klaus for a moment and turned around, crossing my arms by my chest and looking in between the two front seats.

I heard the door on my side open and Klaus peeked his head in, with an obvious smirk on his face.

"Where are we going?" I asked him before he could say anything first, not turning to look at him.

"You my dear, are going to go get some food. I need to take care of buissness for a bit. Then you'll be taken to my house." Why wasn't he comming with me? I could feel his stare burning a whole into me. "Caroline, is there something I am missing, love?" He asked curious, obviously noticing my dramatic lack of eye-contact.

"What are you going to do to that girl, Klaus?" I asked him, I thought it would be best to get to the point and just skip all the B.S. Klaus's expretion changed the second I finished.

"That does not concern you, love." He said starting to back away a bit to close the door but I stopped him.

"Yes, it does. That girl blew every nerve in my body, and I want to know what you are going to do to her." I said. He stopped dead in his tracks, and looked at my eyes once more.

"Curious much, love?" I tightend my arms once more, my patience wearing thin, "Well for the reason of her blowing your every nerve, is why she is in my grasp. She's not a smart witch." I looked at him in disbelief and he just smirked before closing the car door.

I wasn't about to argue over this right now, but I make no promise of not bringing it out later. Klaus, I realized, wasn't running from the witch. He was trapping her, using me as bait! The reason he had go into a corner was to pretend to care, he knew he wouldn't die, and he knew the witch knew that. But I could die, I am immune to any mortal desease, but anything supernatural is a different deal.

Klaus knew what he was doing, he knew the cards he was playing. But most importantly, he knew how to gain power, at whoever's life was on the line. Something hollow dropped in my heart, as if someone had driven a steak through it. I was in shock, Klaus would be capable of dealing and trading my life.

The engine turned on and I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts. I rewind to what I just told myself.  What I was thinking didn't even make sence. Klaus did that to protect me... it was just paranoid Caroline talking to herself.

I look out the window and take in the beautiful sunrise of New Orleans.


Finally the update!!! Sorry this is so crappy, I've just been busy with school. So in the end Caroline is having an emotional break down, that was the point. But, in her mind she is fine. She knows what she wants, and that's Klaus. So why is she suddenly thinking this way? Stay tuned, read my notifications, conversations and all about me, stuff because it has a lot of update dates on it. OK, I'll leave you guys, see ya in the next update!


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