Always and Forever- Part 2 Finale

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"I've heard you've been following her, and I want to know why." Klaus says simply. After the man doesn't answer he adds. "May I suggest speaking quickly." Klaus tells the man who was now only paces away from us.

"She took my daughter!" The man exclaims pointing at me.

"She is not your... ." I begin, charging at the man but Klaus holds me back. Grabbing me by the waist and making me go behind him.

"Pardon my girlfriend's behavior, she has had a rough couple of months." He says, his grip going weaker, up to the point that if I wanted to escape, I could.

"You should keep her in check, meddling into people's buissiness." I feel Klaus let go and stand up straight.

"I don't advice refering to her in such way." Klaus says now approaching the man.

"I just want my kid back buddy." The man Klaus.

"I'm sorry mate, you are not taking anything." Klaus says getting defensive. The man began to walk towards the mansion but Klaus stopped him right away.

"I very much encourage you to take your car and drive away." Klaus says emotionless.

"Not until I take back my daughter." The man says.

"Klaus she said he is not her dad!" I respond.

"Do you think I would lie about something like that?" The man says outraged. "You are vampires, compell me. See that I am not lying." He says. I look over at Klaus.

"And how do you have such knowledge of vampires?" Asks Rebekah.

"Because I have lived with them before... and those rings make you stand out." He says pointing at our hands. "Go on, do it!" He insists. "But bring out the kid."

"Caroline sweatheart, get the girl, would you." Klaus says turning to see me. I go inside and get the girl from the couch. Once we go outside I put her behind me. Rebekah steps in front of me taking Klaus's place and Klaus heads down to the man.

"Is this child your?" He compells. The man nods.


"Why were you beating her?" He asks.

"She was practicing expression." I look over at her, she was crying.

"Caroline, I think we should let her go." Rebekah says facing me. I nod in agreement then turn to Mary.

"You lied to me?" I say hurt. She looks down. "Why?" I ask.

"I don't know." She says. I look over at the man, not seeing him as horrible as I did ten minutes ago, and nod for him to take her. Slowly he makes his way to Mary and I, bows his head and takes her into the car.

I watch the rusty beat up car go out of the gates of our property. I don't say anything, I don't cry, I just walk inside. I go straight into the kitchen and find exactly what I was hoping to find, dirty dishes.

Grabbing a sponge I lift my sleeves and turn on the water. My hands know what to do, it's muscle memory. But my mind seems to drift off somewhere. Soon enough I find myself in a memory.

'Klaus stop!' I giggle as he knocks me into the couch.

'Not until you admit I was right.' He says pinning my hands above my head.

'Well another thousand years will go by before that happens.' I say trying to loosen his grip.

'Then here we shall stay here love. You know all you have to do is say three words and you will be free.' He says coming down to kiss my neck.

'Who says I want to be free?' I ask him. He stops kissing me and looks at me with a small smile on his lips...

"Caroline!" Rebekah's voice brings me out of my trance. "What the bloody hell are you doing?" She asks coming towards me.

Confused, I look toward the sink to show her I was washing dishes, when I found blood. I look at my hands, in my right was a knife, in my left was blood instead of a sponge. I ghasp and drop the knife. I quickly wash my hands and my wound begins to heal.

"Sorry, I just got another memory." I say drying my hands.

"By the looks of it I take it wasn't a good one." She says getting her purse from the kitchen counter.

"Actually it was a nice memory." I say getting some golfish crackers and putting them in a ziplock bag. "For Hope." I say handing her the bag and following her to the car outside.

Saying our final goodbyes I kiss Hope's forhead and close the door. A few moments later Rebekah drives away with Klaus's child. Without a sound I go to the backyard and stare at the ocean. I wrap my arms around myself and sigh. Not to long after that I feel strong arms wrap around me, diping my head backon his chest I sigh again.

"Are you ok, love?" He asks me rocking me back and forth tenderly.

"Yeah... a little hurt because I was lied to by a small child." I say.

"Deception is part of life." He whispers in my ear. "The sooner we accept it, the easier it will get. I promise." He says.

"Your right." I say turning around to face him and kiss him gently. He pulls away for a moment.

"I have something to ask you." He says. I look at him confused.

"Ok... ." I say. He kneels down and grabs my left hand. I ghasp and cover my mouth with my right hand.

"Caroline Forbes, I was a so called bastard when you met me. With no possible guilt inside this empty chest. No remourse what so ever, but now... Will you marry me?" He asks. I feel the tears in my eyes begin to spill. I nodd and grab his neck pulling him into a kiss. He kisses me with equal passion for a while until he pulls away. "I take it that's a yes?" He says to me. I smile and nodd at him.

"I love you Caroline Frobes."

"I love you NiKlaus Mikaelson." I say.

He laughs happily and puts the ring on my finger. With my hand in his we took a walk together around the shoreline. The sun was still at it's mid point so we sat on a rock. My back against his chest, with his arms around me. I laid back and wrap my arms over his.

We stay there until sunset telling stories and fun moments in life, when he whispers into my ear,

"Thank you." I smile and turn my head a bit.

"For what?" I ask.

"For giving me something no one has ever given me." He says.

"And what is that?" I ask turning to him without getting out of his grip.

"Happiness." He says.

"I'll stay with you, Always and forever." I say.

"Always and Forever." He repeats smiling. I lean in and kiss him. Soon enough we were tangled in each other by the cozy ocean breeze taking us in.


Sorry for the short ending. I just wanted to get this out. But the Epilogue will be SO much better. New story coming soon!

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