Dark Day, and unset Feelings

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I woke up startled by thunder outside. I look at the clock 7:43 P.M. I do a flashback and rewind, Klaus and I left Mystic Falls at around midnight, then we traveled for two hours before stopping and getting attacked. Then we got to the hotel half an hour later and it would have been about... 2:30, 2:40 a.m.

I carefully touched my back not feeling any pain. I get up and go to the bathroom. I turn as much as I can so I can see my back, Klaus had gotten all of the wooden bullets out. I sighed silently to myself and walk back into the bedroom. Making a mental note that without Klaus's blood I would be sort of dead right now.

The room was spectacular, it was a deep shade of brown mixed with a pearly white. It was beautiful, but I didn't admire it much for I realized that Klaus wasn't in the room. Last night I had asked him to stay with me and he did, so where was he? I went out of the bedroom and into two other rooms. I couldn't find him anywhere. I listened closely, there were voices. I followed the voices and they led me to the living room T.V.

"Klaus?" I called out his name. I was starting to get nervous. I don't care for Klaus, he is well capable of taking care of himself. But, he saved me. For some reason those people, or vampires, or whatever they were, wanted me dead but Klaus saved me.

I remembered what Elena and I had talked about when I went to visit her. Was I really falling for Klaus? I had felt something in my dream, and when he appeared at my doorstep. But, was it right? I took a deep breath and called Klaus's name again.

"Klaus?" I waited a while but no answer. I looked around for a note or something to guide myself with. Later I went back to my room and looked around, I pick up my jacket and the sheets of the bed. I get anxious, where is Klaus? I walk to the window. The thunderstorm wasn't getting much better, You could hear everything. I saw the lightning and thunder work together to frighten people outside.

My phone! I rush to my bag and start digging through it to find my phone. Finally I find it under piles of make-up packs, rubber bands, lip gloss, and a notepad. Funny, I have everything but a pen in here.

I bring my attention back to my phone and look for Klaus's name in my contacts. I dial his number and it rings three times before he finally picks up.

'Caroline, are you alright?' I could hear the rain in the background. And he sounded tired.

'Yeah... yeah I'm fine. But, where are you?' I ask a little harsher than meanted. But he didn't seem to take it in any way offensive, he just laughed weakly.

'What, missing me already?' Thunder goes on from his side of the phone dial and then I hear it outside my window. I wait a few seconds listening to Klaus's harsh deep breaths.

'No, I was just wo-' He cut me off before I could finish.

'Worried? No need love, I'll be there in a moment.' I was, I was worried because he didn't sound okay, he sounded weak, he seemed to be fighting to breath. But I didn't tell him that.

'I was going to say wondering, but sure, let's go with that.' Another weak laugh.

'Caroline, I need you to get the pliers ready, love.' My head shot up and I focused on a skyscraper near by.

'Why, Klaus what's wrong?' A few seconds after I asked the line was cut off. I look at my phone, no reception. The storm was messing with my signal. All I could do know was wait.

I sat impatiently in the couch watching T.V. Twilight was on. I remember when I used to like this. I even told Damon about it when... I was human. Now it just seems stupid, what vampire sparkles in the sun?

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