Chapter 16

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"The people who are meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you, no matter how  far they wander." -unknown


Listen to "Better In Time" and "Bleeding Love" by Leona Lewis



Click, click, click. I sat there on a swiveling chair in my room, tapping a pen against my chin as I whirled steadily around. Selena's words replayed in my head and I was debating whether or not I should take this bold chance. If he means that much to you Taylor, he's worth at least a try. If I did go, I had to be home before my parents arrive home. Considering that on Friday nights, they did not come home until nearly 11 pm, and that is quite a handful of time. Averting my gaze to the knee length, sheer lavender dress laid out on my bed, I decided, I'm going to do it.


Why did I do that? Was it because I felt betrayed? Rejected? But now, I am numbed by the overwhelming feeling of sadness. I miss her too much to even be mad anymore and I've been longing for her to come back and be here with me. All my crimes and mistakes don't come close to the look on Taylor's face when I let her go.

It had been 5 days ago since I heard anything from Taylor and today was the day of the dance. To be honest, I wasn't in the mood or eager to perform when the songs that I'd be singing are about the one person who didn't show.
Also, at the top of the list of things I'd done, I wasn't too enthusiastic about attending with Katelyn. In fact, I tried my hardest to avoid her all night. She kept on pestering me to do all sorts of things for her and it very well got on my last nerve.

"Harry, come on. You have to go," Liam urged me. There I sat curled in a corner back stage, rocking back and forth and dressed in a tux with no one to impress besides Taylor.

"Not if I don't want to," I muttered and rested my chin on top of my knees.

"Harry, you don't want to let us down. Plus, we can't cancel at the very last minute," Louis tried to reason.

"Well then go on ahead and do the show without me," I said, not stealing a glance at any of them.

"It's either all of us, or none of us," Zayn finalized.

"He does have a point," Niall concluded. "Okay, you know what? Just tell us what the problem is, Harry."

"Taylor," I replied, my heart aching at just her name coming out of my mouth.

The others groaned, hearing the topic for the thousandth time being brought up.

"Hey, give him a chonce, guys. He's been through a lot the past few days." Niall offered me his hand to help lift me off the ground and I murmured a thank you in return.

"How about I pretend to be Taylor and you can just vent out whatever that's on your mind right now. Will that help?" Niall suggested with a encouraging smile.

Picturing Niall as Taylor wasn't such a difficult task but as soon as I accomplished it, my imagination overpowered me and for a second I thought I actually saw Taylor before me. "Harry?" the voice called out. My imagination must be getting out of control or something because even his voice sounds like Taylor's, what the actual fuck?

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