Chapter 10

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"It doesn't matter who you are or what you look like, so long as somebody loves you," - Ronald Dahl

Harry's POV

I stood there, stunned, unable to speak or move. However, Taylor didn't look quite as shocked to see me. She stood there with her arms crossed as if waiting for an explanation.

"What are you doing here? Did--did you follow me here?" I asked, a tad furious.

"You bet I did," she said, showing no sign of emotion in her voice. "So is this where you went yesterday?" Taylor stood up from her seat and scrutinized her surroundings, peering behind the counter, and into the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" I was flustered and miffed by her actions

"Oh, just making sure you weren't off with some skank," she replied. "Let's go outside," she said calmly. A small bell jingled as she pushed the door open and I followed behind her.

"Are you serious, Taylor?" I laughed in disbelief. "Do you really think I would do that?"

Taylor shrugged. "Then, why did you need to lie about it?"

"I--" I opened my mouth to speak but didn't know what to say exactly. Why didn't I want to tell her in the first place? "Because... I didn't trust you. I was afraid you weren't going to like me once you find out," I confessed with my head down, staring at my shoes. "Trust is the problem and it always has been in my life. I never knew who to trust and who not to."

"Harry...what is a relationship without trust? You can always trust and rely on me. Isn't that what ties us together?" I stayed silent. "Were you afraid I was going to leave you because you are a baker? I don't care if you're a baker or a part of a band, this is the Harry I know and falling in love with."

Without having anymore to say, I leaned in and abruptly hugged her, feeling her body tense against mine. There was something about hugging her that just makes you feel mended and whole again. Time seemed to stand frozen still as we were embraced, locked into each other's arms. "You won't ever be alone, Harry," she murmured into my shoulder. Although I didn't want to let go, I released from the hug.

Cupping her face, I planted a quick kiss on her lips and whispered, "Wait for me to come home, okay?" She nodded and glanced back before continuing down 6th Street, leaving me standing alone underneath the lamp post.

"So who was that girl?" John snickered.

"None of your concerns," I said blandly and washed my hands in the sink before returning to another long tiresome three hours of work.

+ (Feeling Ed Sheeran af)

"All right, you're free to go now, Styles," my boss yelled from his office. I breathed a sigh of relief and began cleaning myself up as usual. Bidding him a good evening, I exited out of the bakery and into the alley where the sun was beginning to set. As I was strolling down the sidewalk, I observed the items on display through the shop windows. Then, a necklace in the display case of an antique shop caught my eye. The time was 7:05 and my mom was going to be home anytime soon. I knew she was ought to be livid when she finds out that I'll be home later than ordinary.

I entered the shop which was warm and quiet and smelled of old books. Not a single soul was to be found. "Hello?" I called, walking up to the front desk with an old school cash register. On the counter was a small bronze bell and so I tapped on it, a ding breaking the dead silence. I analyzed my surroundings; book shelves were covered with dust, evidence of finger prints were seen here and there. Engrossing objects were laid out--some I've never even seen before.

Shuffling was heard from a room behind the store and out came an elderly woman in her 60's. Her hair was snow white, and resting on her nose were round spectacles. "Hello! Young man, how may I help you today?" she greeted kindly with a smile, crinkles forming around her eyes.

"Hello, I was just passing by and saw the necklace displayed on the window. May I take a closer look at it?" I asked.

"Why, of course!" she exclaimed and went over to remove the necklace from its display case.

"Thank you," I said as she handed it to me. The gold locket had a humming bird attached to the side and the best part was that there was an engraving of the letter H. It's perfect.

"You can have it, if you'd like."

I looked up at her in disbelief. "Wh-what? No. I can't possibly do that."

"Go ahead and take it. We hardly have anymore customers going in and out of the doors nowadays," she explained.

"Thank you so much." I said and offered a smile.

"You're so welcome, dear," she smiled back. "Because of our lack of business, we might be closing any time soon."

"Really? You own such a wonderful store though, ma'am. I wish I can help you," I sympathized.

She chuckled, "What a charming young man you are. That means a lot."

I smiled at that comment. "I must get going now. Thank you, once again," I said and slipped the locket into the pocket of my jacket before hurrying out the door. As I was pacing down the streets, all I dreaded about was the punishment I was going to receive when I arrive home.


"Where have you been?!" my mother raged as I stepped into the house.

I timidly responded, "I--I just got off from--"

"I don't care where you were or what you were doing! Now get your lazy ass into the kitchen and cook dinner," she barked.

Trying my hardest to control my tears, I stood on my ground and said, "You cannot tell me what to do." However, I regret saying that as soon as the words left my mouth. I received a harsh slap across my left cheek, my mom's sharp nails grazing across my skin.

I gasped in astonishment and traced the mark she imprinted on my face. "Repeat that again!" she dared me.

"I said you cannot tell me what to do," I repeated myself and headed upstairs without another word.

"Fine, then. You can just be useless as always," she spat.

I slammed the door shut and sat down on my bed, caressing my own cheek which felt like it was burning. Why did she do this? She's not my mom, not the one I used to know.


"Happy Birthday to my little boy, Harry!" my mom cooed, swooping me up into her arms and showering my face with kisses.

"Ugh--stop it, mum. You're getting lipstick all over me," I complained until she finally set me down on my feet.

"Look what I got you. Open it!" she urged, handing me a small brown box. I felt something move inside which was odd and opened the lid, finding a hamster staring back at me.

"A hamster?!" I squealed with joy.


"Thank you so much, mum!" I dropped the box and ran straight into her arms to give her a giant bear hug.

"Aw, you're welcome, sweetie." She smiled. "What are you going to name it?" she asked curiously.

"Umm..." My face scrunched up at the thought of a name suitable for a hamster. "Hamster," I declared. Apparently, I couldn't think of any better name than that. That was no doubt one of the best memories I had. Little did I know what was going to happen a year later.

*End of flashback*

Tears slipped out of my eyes and streamed down my face without even my awareness. However, what hurt most wasn't the wound she left. The pain came more from the words that she used. You can just be useless as always. Those last words bled a lot.

A/N: And if you hurt me, that's okay baby only words bleed. I'm not comfortable with this chapter. Next few ones are going to be cute and also a lot of Photograph references in this story. In fact, half of this story will be based on Photograph lol. Please vote and comment xx

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