Chapter 7

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"It's amazing how one day someone walks into your life, then the next day you wonder how you lived without them." -unknown

Taylor's POV

Harry stared at me intently with his green eyes. I gulped. Should I? Or should I not? Selena would be mad. My heart said yes but my mind said no. I gave him my answer, "Of course!" before I could give any more thought to it. The heart just wants what it wants. A joyful smile spread across his face, his dimples showing.

"Thank you, love," the words came out of his mouth. Did he really just...?

"Did you just call me 'love?'" I asked, raising an eyebrow, a smile tugging on the corners of my lips.

"Uh--yea..." He seemed lost and confused. "Unless you don't want to be called that..." he mumbled.

"No, no! I like it," I admitted. "Keep calling me that," I said and smiled. Focusing on the game once again, I laid down the letters y and s on either side of the e, spelling yes. After about five minutes, I grew tired of sitting up straight and rested my head on Harry's thigh. His eyes kept glancing over from the scrabble board to my face. "What are you looking at? It's not nice to stare," I teased him.

"I can't help but get distracted by your beauty," he said casually and leaned down to kiss the bridge of my nose, which scrunched up as he did so. I grabbed his soft, warm hand and began fiddling with it.

"Harry, what are we?" I asked out of the blue. I had been laying awake at night, wondering where we stood in our relationship.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean..." I sighed. "Are we just best friends? Or are we more than that?"

" friends don't usually do this--" he paused and leaned down to kiss my bottom lip, letting his lips linger there for a moment before pulling away. I licked my lips, tasting the lasting touch he left behind. However, there was this exotic taste I couldn't quite place my finger on that left me craving for more. Then, I did something I hadn't even expected myself to do. Sitting back up, my hands cupped around his face and I pressed my lips against his sensual, soft, kissable lips. He kissed me back, just as hungrily. His hands edged their way up to my jawline until my rosy cheeks were engulfed in the warmth of his hands. Every kiss felt like our first. We broke away for a few seconds, pausing to gasp for air. The space between us was enclosed, our eyes locked with one another.

"I think I'd rather have you as my boyfriend," I confessed while still staring down at his alluring lips. The words slipped out of my mouth, surprising me. Boyfriend, what a strange word that sounded unfamiliar on my tongue.

"And I think I'd rather you as my girlfriend," Harry said, his hot breath pressured against my skin.

"Do you think this is just.. a little too soon?" I asked, a bit hesitant.

"There's no such thing as 'too soon' when falling in love. It just happens and you can't do anything to stop it," Harry said. His, once, neat curls were now a pile of bedraggled locks and he sat there, grinning stupidly.

"What are you smiling about?" I asked, stifling a small laugh.

"It's just that--I'm lucky to have you," he said with a broad grin. What a dork--an insanely sweet, adorable, handsome, and sexy one, that is.

However, his smile faltered when his gaze landed on the clock in the kitchen. "I--I have to go," he excused himself and stood up.

"Wh-what? Where are you going?" I asked discombobulated, standing back up as he was grabbing his belongings.

"I have somewhere I need to be right now," he said and headed for the door, hurriedly. In one brisk move, he was already out the door.

"Wait!" I called, chasing after him. But, it was too late because he was already hopping into the driver's seat of his Range Rover. I stood there by the door frame, watching him speed away as a faint trace of gasoline trailed behind. "Goodbye, love," I half whispered.

Ha, you thought I actually said that? Nope, it isn't one of those cheesy romantic, dramatic movies where the guy leaves the girl stranded. Instead, I turned around and stared at the unfinished game of scrabble, then the ticking clock. It was only 4 pm and if he needed to be somewhere, he could've just told me so.


I laid awake, restlessly tossing and turning through the night. My thoughts drifted back to the afternoon, replaying the events that occurred. Are we rushing into things too quickly? I just can't help it. His words echoed through my mind, "There's no such thing as 'too soon' when falling in love. It just happens and you can't do anything to stop it." He was right.
It's like one minute, he's not in my life and then the next, he comes in and then suddenly, I start to wonder how I was able to live without him in the first place.


Almost everyone's eyes were on me as I walked down an aisle in the cafeteria, with my lunch in my hands. This time, I was on the lookout for any bitches like Katelyn trying to shove food down my shirt. I looked over to my right and saw Selena glowering, taking a bite at of an apple and turning around to talk to another one of our friends, Emma. Scanning the entire room for somewhere else to sit besides next to Selena, I saw a nest of brown curls poking out of the crowd. I walked swiftly to his table where his buddies were also seated. "And who is this?" one of the guys, the blond one, whistled.

Harry looked up and a small smile appeared on his face. "She's Taylor," he answered.

"Oh! Is it that chick you've been--" Suddenly, he stopped mid-sentence and yelped in pain, jumping from his seat a little.

Harry gave him a death glare and continued, "Taylor, this is Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn."

"Hey, Taylor!" they all said in a unison. The way they pronounced my name, Taylah, made me smile.

"Hey, guys!" I beamed. "Mind if I join?"

"No problem!"

"Sure, go ahead!"

"Of course you can!"

I sat down on the chair next to Harry's and asked him in a low voice so only he could hear, "What happened yesterday? Where did you go?"

"I uh, family business," he answered, avoiding my eyes, and shifting uncomfortably in his seat.

"Oh, all right," I said even though I was sure he wasn't telling the truth.

Now, I guess the best option isn't to follow your boyfriend when he's telling you he's off to some 'family business.' But, my mother never warned me not to.

A/N: Okay now I'm just not sure where this is going 😂 To clear things up though, they're NOT in love yet. They are in the midst of FALLING in love. Right now, they just really like each other. It's not quite love yet, no. Okay, it's the next chapter where you'll finally see what Harry has been hiding.

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