Chapter 22

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"You took the time to memorize me:
My fears, my hopes, and dreams. I just like hangin' out with you all the time.
All those times that you didn't leave;
It's been occurring to me I'd like to hang out with you for my whole life." - Taylor Swift


It was the miraculous end of another long, enduring school year. As usual, I sat at my usual spot underneath the giant oak tree. On my lap was my songbook, in my hand was a pen, and to my side was my guitar lying wide open in its leather case. Humming to myself, I jot down a few lyrics to the tune I've had stuck in my mind throughout the entire day."But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to..."

"What are you up to?" Harry interrupted my train of thoughts and threw the rhythm overboard. He'd appeared out of the last few people to exit through the entrance of the school and began to approach me.

I instantly whipped me head up in surprise and stuttered, "N-nothing new, really. Just writing songs as always."

Harry leaned his tall figure against the tree and raised an eyebrow, "May I read it?" He asked with eagerness in his tone.

"Yeah, sure," I giggled. "Once I'm finished, though."

"Well, I can help you finish the song," Harry suggested hopefully.

"No, I'm fine, thank you," I finalized with a smile.

"You're no fun," he whined and crossed his arms, sticking his tongue out at me.

I let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine," I rolled my eyes playfully at his child-like behavior.

"All right, what have you got so far?" Harry asked with thrill, crouching down to sit beside me. I handed him my songbook attentively, for I have always been worried about letting someone touch it or even lay their eyes on it.
Harry's eyes skimmed over the lines which I'd written with lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed while nodding to himself. After a minute, he finally said aloud, "Wow, this is brilliant," and looked at me with amazement in his green eyes.

"Thank you." I blushed at his compliment. He set my book back down gently.

"This song kind of reminds me of one I wrote a while back..." His voice trailed off as if he were in deep thought and trying to remember something. Then, he turned around to shuffle through his backpack. Alas, he fished out a navy blue bounded notebook and began flipping through the pages. "Ah, here it is. It's called 'Little Things.'"

"May I read it?" I asked, mimicking his tone.

"Sure," he said and rolled his eyes just like I did. He tossed me his notebook scrawled with lyrics filling the entire page. I read over the entire piece, paying close attention to every single detail, and was left wonderstruck.

"Harry...these lyrics are genius. I think we can actually combine both of our songs together!" I exclaimed after a short while of pondering over the idea of how I could actually make this work.

Harry's eyes grew wide and brightened at my words. "Really?"

"But if I do, it's you, oh it's you, they add up to. And I'm in love with you, and all your little things," we ended the song in perfect harmony as I struck the last chord.

"That was incredible," Harry finally uttered after letting the final chord ring out and get carried away by the summer wind.

I nodded in agreement. "For a first duet together, that was pretty amazing," I beamed.

"We have to sing this again some other time. Maybe in front of people--"

"Yeah, I mean I'd love to sing this song with you some other time, but let's just keep it between the two of us," I cut him off, trying not to sound rude, and set my guitar aside.

"Taylor," he said and cupped my chin in his soft hand, so I was facing him. "You write all these songs, but you never perform them."

"Yes, well...I have stage fright," I admitted to him reluctantly. Feeling my fave grow red, I lowered my gaze down to my hands which were fidgeting with the sleeves of my cardigan.

"See, I could help you with that, too. It's such a waste to see someone with talents like you to not be able to show it to the world," he attempted to reason with and convince me.

I bit on my lip, considering the thought. "I don't know how you can help me though, especially with a fear I was practically born with," I explained even though I knew he was right.

"Silly, Taylor. You weren't born like this. You were made like this," Harry said and looked me in the eye. "What happened?"

I let out a soft sigh, knowing he'd insist on me telling him what's wrong. I hesitated before I spoke. "Well, it's just that I--I've had these string of humiliating moments relating to performing on stage or just doing anything, really, in front of people." I looked down glumly at my hands, embarrassed that I'd just confessed one of my greatest fears.

Harry stayed silent for a moment and let go of my chin before clearing his throat and speaking up. "You know what, Taylor? One day, you're going to get over this fear of yours. You will perform in sold out arenas and stadiums in front of thousands and thousands of people--"

I cut him off with a chuckle of disbelief. "Harry, honestly, do you think that will ever happen to an ordinary girl like me from Pennsylvania?"

Harry frowned. "But I can just picture it in my head, you know? The crowds chanting your name and singing along to your own lyrics..."

"Harry, again, I still haven't gotten over my stage fright."

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair and said, "Meet me at the Brew at 4:00 this Saturday."

"Uhm, all right," I said uncertainly. I'd heard of that place before. Some old place that had been around for quite a while. Not too far from here either. Although, I'd never been in there. And Harry's invitation spiked my curiosity.

Just then, a creature flew in out of nowhere and landed on Harry's stomach, causing me to jump a few feet back and shriek.

"Woah, calm down, it's just a butterfly," he said and shooed it away. Then, he eyed me with concern. "Are you all right?"

Breathing heavily, I answered with a shaky voice,"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." I offered him a weak smile. "It's just that I have an intense fear of bugs and have also had a terrible experience with them," I admitted another deep fear of mine to him for the second time that day.

"Oh really?" Harry laughed. "I couldn't tell."

I grimaced and said, "Usually, I'd be okay with butterflies. Yes, only with the exception of butterflies."

A/N: It's been one year since I published my first Haylor fanfiction on Wattpad! It's incredible to see how far I've gotten over the past year and none of this would've been possible if it weren't for you guys reading my stories. Thank you thank you thank you for taking the time to vote, comment, message me, and write nice things on my wall :) You all don't know how greatly I appreciate all these little things and how grateful I am. All the love as always. K

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