Chapter 23

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"I think it's cute when someone actually bothers to stay up late just to talk to you," - Unknown

Taylor's POV:

Lurking on Instagram at 1 am underneath the covers and praying not to get caught. Just the usual. As I simultaneously scrolled down and double tapped on a few pictures here and there, I gradually became depressed and somewhat envious. At what? Seeing everyone hanging out tonight and throwing parties, having fun, while I was at home with nothing else better to do? Sighing to myself, I turned off my phone and set side on top of my nightstand.
I tossed and turned around in bed, flipped my pillow to find a comfortable position, and settled down before being consumed in my own thoughts.

One day, I will have many friends, I told myself. We can be like that girl squad that rules the entire school. And everyone will want to hang out with us, I thought with satisfaction. Yes, everyone will want to hang out with us. Then, I drifted off to sleep.


Brrr brrr my phone buzzed on my nightstand as I blindly reached for it in the darkness. Using all my strength to push myself up, I lie leaning on my elbow, groggily, while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. The caller ID flashed across the luminous screen.

Harry? I thought in bewilderment. Why would he be calling me at this time?

Pressing the green answer icon, I raised my phone to my ear and murmured sleepily, "Hello?"

"Taylor?" Harry's voice sounded deep and raspy over the phone. "I'm sorry if I woke you."

"It's fine," I assured him. "But what the hell are you doing up at 3 am?" I groaned as I checked the time.

"I had a nightmare," Harry said in a frightened and anxious tone. "And I can't sleep. I--I just want to hear your voice," he admitted sheepishly.

I let out a yawn and lazily smiled. "Harry, that's so sweet. Just know that I'll be right here besides you all night...although you might have to wake me up if I doze off," I added with a titter as I sunk back underneath the cozy duvets.

He emitted a light chuckle in response. "Will you tell me a story?"

"A story?" I repeated, the word having caught my attention, and blinked rapidly a couple times. "I--uh, I don't know any good stories..." Combing through my memories, I searched for a riveting and captivating story to tell. Trying my best to recall every single children's classic bedtime story ever read to me and fables, but none seemed to be the perfect fit. But, there was one.
"All right," I sighed, not certain where to begin. "There was once a girl who was known by almost everyone but no one," I spoke quietly. "She was always smiling and laughing and acted as if she hadn't the least care in the world. But, no one seemed to really notice the pain and insecurity behind the happiness she put on for the world to see. No one knew that each morning she woke up, dreading the day ahead of her. No one knew that she walked around holding her head high when she was slowly sinking and crying for help, but no one heard a thing. No one knew how fragile and delicate she was until she broke. Piece by piece, she began to fall apart. And over time, she just kind of...lost herself," I finished and gulped. Tears began to cloud my eyes, blurring my vision. But, I blinked them away even if Harry couldn't see them.

There was a moment of silence and the only thing audible was Harry's steady breathing and I would've thought he'd fallen asleep before he spoke up. "Did she ever find herself?"

"She's still trying to find it," I simply answered. "She's still trying to find it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2016 ⏰

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