chapter 17.

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Heyy ! am back with an early update !!
Chapter dedication: Mariakharwala.

Guys, you'll have still not answered my previous question,
so I'm asking again..
Team Alex? or Team Daren?

I've got one vote for Team Alex, and Team Daren is yet on zero!

so do comment!

Last chapter Recap :

I reached to the person, and pulled his shoulder.

"CARMEN?!" I said, shocked.

How did she ever slip off my mind!

The biggest tragedy ever happened in my being. There is something so explicable about this scene, All this while, Of course it was her!
Well I think the nickname creep actually suits her well. But I've so many questions, because this, Is not making sense.

"I swear it was not me! What all did you see?!" I heard her ramble, when I snapped out of my trance.
"I'm asking you again, Carmen, What are you doing here?" Alex said behind me, sounding threatening, resting his arm protectively around my shoulder.
"I see, so you're over 'Der' already?" she smirked.
Anger was boiling inside me. I gritted my teeth.
"That doesn't explain why you are in my building compound, dressed like a cheap pizza delivery boy, as usual stalking people." I said.
I cannot blame her directly, I, in all my senses know, that Alex cannot know anything about it.
She looked embarrassed.
"It's not what you think" She muttered.
"Then what is it? Care to explain?" asked Alex.
"My dad went bankrupt.....I'm just helping my family, You're not suppose to say this to anyone" she glared at the last part, trying to be intimidating.

No, this can't be true, It doesn't make sense.
"Then why are you at the back of the compound, the entry is from the other side" I said, my eyes narrowed.
"I wanted to park the bike here, and I did not know how to put it on stand, so It fell on the other car, and there is a big dent, I can't afford to pay for it right now, so I thought I could flee...." She finished.

Oh, and I thought she was the creep, I looked over at Alex, to see if he feels the same, or he thinks she's lying. He nods at me.

"We'll help you." I said,
She looked a bit taken aback, but she composed herself quickly and nodded.
"Oh wait! Can you'll wait a bit, I've to deliver these to.. um.. some B-26."
She said, looking at the bill.
I snapped my head up to her and then at Alex, who was equally confused.
B-26? It's my apartment. I did not order any pizza, or maybe Alex did....?

"It's mine." I said.
She nodded and handed me the bill.
Alex took the bill from me,
"This is the one I ordered, before leaving home, to come here, but the delivery person met me down and gave it to me, He even took the money for it," Alex finished.
"But, nobody went before me, This is the real order, wait let me check the boxes" Carmen said.
when she opened the box, to check the other pizza boxes, the whole container was empty. There were no pizzas. Carmen's wide eyes met me.
"I've no idea about this." She said sincerely.

It is making sense now.
"He, made a duplicate bill and stole the pizzas and gave it to Alex, then he, broke the stand of your bike so that you don't get to deliver the real order." I stated.

Oh god, That was insane, and I thought that Carmen was the creep.

They both looked at me as if I was talking Sanskrit.
Now, it made sense, the 'creep' is again playing games with me.
I moved towards the bike, Picked it up, Alex sprinted by my side to help me keep it steady.
I squat to look at the bike's stand.
There were cut marks, as if it was hit continuously with something sharp. It looked ripped off.

As deduced.
"You should go, give that to me." I said, taking the bill from her and paying her the bucks.
She sped off.

"What the fuck, did just happen?" Alex said, as we entered my apartment.
I groaned mentally. Of course he needs answers. I am supposed to explain all of it. He might not even be over the cigarette thing yet.
I cannot say anything to him.

"Alex, I know you have questions but I cannot explain anything, trust me, I don't know anything" I said exasperated.
He nodded.
Thats what I love abot Alex. He understands, he knows when he does not have to pry, he's always there.

I cuddled up in his side, on the couch, his hand banded around my shoulders and mine around his stomach. My head resting on his shoulder and his on mine, my legs folded beneath me.
We just sat there, in silence, thinking to ourselves.

"Eliza, no wars can be fought alone." He said after a while.

"I know." I whispered.

I looked up to meet his eyes, and he looked at mine, I saw different emotions.
warmth, care, understanding.
My heart warmed at that. The tingles starting again.
His eyes flicked from my eyes to my lips, and remained fixed there.
I froze.

Can I do it?
I don't think so. I can't do that to him, when I'm still confused about my feelings for Daren.

When I snapped out, his lips were dangerously close to mine, I immediately pulled away. The look on his face was...
was somehow disappointed.

"Alex, I...." I started.
"It was nothing, It did not mean anything, It was just the spur of the moment ." He cut me off and got up.
He did not let me explain. It did mean something to me. But first, I just want to be sure of my feelings.

He deserves the world, not a broken mess like me.

Alex was sleeping in the guest room, I said my prayers to my mom's frame by my night table, kissed my dad's necklace, and went off to sleep.

My phone buzzed under my pillow, I checked it immediately,

Unknown: You busted me today,
I must say,
like father like daughter.

What the Holy mother of ice-creams !!!!!
He knows my Dad ?!

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