Chapter 8

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-------Avery's P.O.V-------

i woke up cuddled up to sam. i smiled, i could get used to this. i chuckled looking at my shirtless boyfriend lying asleep in bed. so adorable. i grabbed my phone and took a pic, i couldn't help it he was so gawd damn cute. i leaned in close to his face and whispered. "baby get up or no kisses for the whole day." his eyes fluttered open and he smiled.

"i'm awake now where's that kiss?"

"what kiss?"

sam grabbed me and pulled me on top of him. i giggled and leaned my face in close to his. "oh you mean this kiss," i whispered kissing him. we kissed slowly and passionately until she ruined it. "Aveerryy get out of bed your mother wants you," becca sneered. "shut up becca and tell her i'll be up in a minute."

"whatever you know you're to young to loose ur virginty."

i glared at her until she left. "who was that," sam asked. "becca the house keeper she's a real pain in the butt." he nodded then tried to kiss me again. "i'm gonna go see what my mom wants i'll be right back babe. i jogged into my mom's room and saw her packing. "what's going on?"

"your father and I are going on a business trip for a week so you will be alone with becca but she will hardly be around so you will pretty much be on your own."

i just starred at her. she was letting me stay on my own. she was finally treating me like a grownup. "and i would uhm like you to ask your boyfriend to stay here for the week so you won't be alone."

"sam gets to stay over here!"

"yes if his mom agrees."

"thank you thank you thank you!"

i gave her a kiss on the cheek then ran back to my room. i jumped onto the bed and landed on sam. "baabby for the next week you are sleeping here while my parents are away!"

"are you serious?"

i nodded wildly and he grabbed his phone. he quickly talked to his mom. "let's go pick up my stuff," he said with a smile once he hung up.

~~~~~~They went to sam's place and packed up his stuff....they went back to the hotel and said goodbye to avery's parents~~~~~

"now what," i asked sam. he looked at me slyly before grabbing me and pulling me onto his lap. "let's do something."

"no shit sherlock i asked what do you wanna do and something isn't an answer, when someone says what do you wanna do you don't say som...."

i was cut off my sam's lips crashing into mine. i felt his hand creeping up my shirt and i immediately jumped off him. now that was way to soon. he looked at me apologetically. "sorry i didn't mea...." this time i cut him off by sitting back on his lap and resting my head against his shoulder. he wrapped his arms around my waist and we sat there in silence.

i really did like sam but that was way to soon. becca for once was correct i was not loosing my v card. even though most people would say 17 is fine if you have already lost it i don't agree. maybe that's cause i've never really had a boyfriend before. it's hard to say. "baby?" my thoughts were cut off by sam. "do you want to just watch some t.v. and chill for the day, maybe go to the beach or something?"

"i'de love to."

we got up and curled up on my bed. i grabbed the remote and flipped to MTV. teen mom was on and i quickly changed the channel. mean girls was playing so i kept it on. i loveeee mean girls. "you know i really didn't mean to before i wouldn't....i'm not that kind of guy."

"i know sam it's fine," i said never taking my eyes of the tv. i didn't wanna look at him. i wasn't upset with him. i was upset with myself. most girls would have gone with it. but i'm not normal, i'm a freak. "i'm different aren't i?"

"yes but that's why i like you so much your not just another clone like all the other girls, your special."

this cheered me right up. i turned away from the tv and looked at him right in the eyes. i leaned in and kissed him. this time his hands moved but not up my shirt around my waist and he pulled me closer. i sat on his lap and we continued kissing. i pulled away and touched my forehead to his. "babe when i say this i mean it one hundred percent i love you," i said. "i love you to." he pulled me in again and we continued to kiss.

"you wanna go to the beach now," sam asked once the movie was over. i nodded and grabbed my bathing suit. i started walking towards the bathroom to change when sam spoke up. "you know you could change out here." he winked and i rolled my eyes walking into the washroom. i got changed into my hot pink bandeaux bathing suit top and teal bikini bottom. i pulled my light blue jean shorts and pink tank top on over top and walked out.

sam was now in his swimming trunks and he had a new t-shirt on over top. i shoved my undergarments into my bag with a towel, sunscreen, lipgloss, sunglasses, water and my phone. then looked over at sam. "you ready," he asked. i nodded. he grabbed my hand and we walked out to his car.

after the long drive to the beach we finally got there. we grabbed our stuff (2 beach chairs, a beach umbrella and our bags) and head out onto the beach. sam set up the umbrella and chairs while i chilled on the hot hot sand. after he finally got the stuff set up i sat down on one of the beach chairs.

"let's go swimming," he cheered. "not yet first sunscreen." he groaned and i pulled out the sunscreen. he pulled off his shirt and i applied his sunscreen. "your turn," he said with a cheeky smile. i swear this kid was sucha perve. i rolled my eyes and pulled off my shirt and shorts. i handed him the sunscreen bottle but he just stood frozen staring at me.

i gently slapped him and he immediately woke up from his daze. he looked at me again and whistled. "shut up and put on my sunscreen." he started rubbing on my sunscreen and was careful around my, well my parts. i smiled when he was finally done. "betcha enjoyed that," i teased. "oh yea course i did." i rolled my eyes then kicked off my sandals and ran towards the water with sam close behind me.

we stayed at the beach for a few hours then finally headed back to the hotel. "i'm taking a shower," i called walking towards the washroom. "i'll join you!"

"no you won't." i shut the door behind me and locked it. i jumped into the shower and quickly washed myself. it wasn't till after i finished my shower i realized i didn't bring a change of clothes into the washroom. i wrapped the super short towel around myself then walked into my room. of course sam whistled when he saw me. i quickly grabbed my clothes then went back into the washroom to change.

after i got changed i walked back into the room to find sam passed out on my bed. i crawled in next to him and gave him a peck on the lips. i cuddled up against him and drifted off to sleep.

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