Chapter 1

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The obnoxious beeping of my digital alarm clock wakes me from my light slumber, causing me to sigh as I throw my arm across my chest, hitting the top of my alarm clock, turning it off. I was starting senior year, it was a fresh start. Just the thought of starting a new year caused my heart to race. I smile and launch my body upwards, stretching my arms, yawning then swinging my legs to the side of my bed, feeling the soft carpet between my toes. I stand, slowly walking over to my closet, opening the small doors, exposing a few new clothes I had bought during the summer. I looked at a few tops then moving the hangers to the side to examine the one after that. I had finally chosen an outfit after looking for a good while. I turn around seeing that 30 minuets had already passed, i gasped and ran to the bathroom, plugging in my curling iron, propping it up on its little stand, then beginning to brush through my long brunette hair. once my hair was smooth enough to my requirements, i brushed my teeth and washed my face, feeling refreshed as i splashed the cold water on my face. The iron had heated up and i began curling my hair. i smiled softly back at my reflection, remembering how i would always have my mom curl my hair for the first day of school.

Once my hair was curled, i walked over to my body mirror hanging on the back of my door so it was facing my room. i looked at my reflection and sighed. i was wearing a black leather jacket with a maroon ruffled blouse, some dark washed skinny jeans and some long black boots.

I swing my door open, and walk to the stairway, walking downstairs and walking to the kitchen. I see my Uncle Jon smiling at me as i stand at the foot of the stairs. His dirty blonde hair was messy, as if he just rolled out of bed but his ocean blue eyes had nothing but joy.

"hey kiddo" he says holding his arm out for a hug. i smile warmly, walking up to him, the heel of my boots clicking against the hardwood floor. i wrap my arms around him, hugging him tightly. "your parents would be so proud of you" he says as he rubs my back comfortingly. i nod, not saying anything, i close my eyes to keep myself from letting a tear slip. He sighs and releases turning around grabbing a mug as i smell newly brewed coffee. he holds it out for my and i smile taking the mug with both my hands feeling the warmth against my palms. "Thank you" i smile at him then take a sip. i swallow the warm beverage, my body heating up i close my eyes as i take a few more sips then setting the mug down. I glance over at the clock and my uncle Jon walks over to the counter, already grabbing my keys.

"be careful and have fun sweetheart. I love you" He says walking up to me and hugging me again "i will Uncle Jon" I pause for a moment, he isn't really a sentimental guy but i smile against his chest. "i love you too". I let go as my forest green eyes look into his, he chuckles and looks down still smiling. "you look too much like your mother" i laugh slightly "well thats a compliment" I sigh and take the keys from his hands and i walk out the door, slinging my bag over my shoulder and walking over to my black jeep. I unlock the doors and get in slowly, seeing my Uncle Jon wait at the front door. I giggle and wave to him, then pulling out of our driveway and driving off to school.

I groan under my breath as i look for a parking spot as close to the school as possible. I smirk as i find a parking spot next to what looked like a really expensive, brand new black grand cherokee. I gaze at the car for a few moments until a deep yet slightly charming voice takes me out of my trance. "i know, I'm pretty spoiled" i look at the boy standing at the front of the car, he was well built with slightly broad shoulders. he had a slightly tan skin tone, his eyes were a hazel with a hint of gold, and his dark brown hair was a little messy but it still looked good. "my name is Cole, its a pleasure to meet you.." He let the sentence hang, holding his hand out for me to shake waiting for me to introduce myself. "Rose" Is all i say as I slightly grip his hand but not too tightly. "beautiful name" he chuckles and looks downward at me. I get slightly flustered but smile "thank you.. I-it was nice meeting you Cole" I say nervously and turn around beginning to walk away.

I glance back, seeing him smile, my heart races and I let out a sigh as I bump into someone. I looked up at him, the boy had dark blue eyes and slightly pale skin. His dirty blonde hair suited him. I put my hand on the back of my neck nervously and i giggled "s-sorry" I say looking at him. He chuckles, looking at my with a smile. "oh its alright, someone as beautiful as you is easily forgiven" he says smirking. i giggle nervously and fiddle with my thumbs, i then look back up at the boy seeing his eyes now look slightly bloodshot. he looks into my eyes "why don't you ditch first period and come with me" I cocked my eyebrow and shook my head. "No. i just met you and i don't even know your name, so what makes you think that i'll ditch a class to be with you?" the look on his face was utter confusion. i scoff in annoyance and walk past him, my hair blowing in the wind behind me. I glanced back for a moment, the boy scowled and looked downward as Cole was walking up to him chuckling. 

I rolled my eyes and continued walking, making my way to the front entrance of the crowded high school. I knew this school like the back of my hand and i knew where almost everything was. I walk up to the front office seeing someone knew with a name tag in front of her. "hello, Mrs. Smith, my name is Rose Taylor and i was wondering if i could get my classes and locker information?" i asked her politely with a warm smile. She smiled back at me, her shoulder length, jet black hair cupped her face perfectly. Her black mascara complimented her pale blue eyes, and her tan skin lightly blushed. "Of course honey, just give me a few seconds" She said as she began typing, she glanced at my ring, squinting her eyes slightly but with a smile. "thats a beautiful ring, let me guess, Red Jasper?" she questioned looking back down at her computer and continuing to type. "yeah actually it is, thank you" I say slightly giggling. "Alright there you are Miss Taylor" she said handing me a little slip of paper with all the information i needed. "thank you Mrs. Smith" i smile and begin to walk down the hall and to my locker. 

After a little bit of wandering the stuffy halls, i finally managed to find my locker. I sigh and begin to put in my locker combination until i hear an all too familiar voice say "Rose Taylor. How dare you not save me a parking spot?" I laugh and turn around to find my beautiful friend Anna. She had dirty blonde hair that went a little past her shoulder blades, and chocolate brown eyes, her skin was lightly tanned. "sorry i could hardly find one myself" i smile then grab her, pulling her into a gently but comforting embrace. I sigh then pull her back opening up my locker, i glance back and see her make her way around me opening a locker right next to me. "I'm glad we have at least our lockers next to each other" as i put my things in my locker i shut it then look at Anna tilting my head. "is Riley late again? I expect this, but not on the first day" I laugh and look at her slinging my bag back over my shoulder. "yeah i guess she is, she can't be on time to save her life" The loud bell echoes through the halls and i see all the student make a frantic walk to make it to their first class, i smile and wave to Anna as we start walking our separate ways. I look at my schedule again and scoff seeing that my first period is my least favorite subject. History. I trudge, now at a slower pace not wanting to rush to a class that i dislike. 

I walk into the room as one of the last people, getting looks from the other students, including Cole. My heart skips a beat, i look at him and he offers a smile. "Excuse me Miss, please find your seat" I look over to the voice seeing that he was my teacher. I nod and find a seat, that was two away from Cole, considering that was the only one left. He smiles at me again and i smile back then facing the board as the teacher gives his little speech about what he was going to be teaching about during the year. I rest my chin on my hand, already bored with the class, i just watched the clock, which looked like it was going in slow motion. 

After a torturously boring 50 minuets of nothing but talking i finally made it out of history. I got up quickly and walked out of the door bumping into someone, i looked slightly up seeing the same blue eyed boy as in the parking lot. "we have to stop meeting up like this" He gives me a playful smirk and i sigh "Y-yeah" I try to walk past him but he grabs my hand and looks at me "so i'm not longer a stranger, my name is Kyle, from what i hear you're Rose Taylor?" I blush lightly and nod my head "y-yes.." I pull my hand away a little roughly and begin to walk away. I hear him faintly chuckle, i turn around and see him put his hand in this pocket then as he walks back into the class he winks at me. I turn back around and begin to head to my next class.

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