Chapter 3

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I open my mouth to let out a scream but something inside me, holds it back as the pain in my neck intensifies. The pain is unbearable and it takes every ounce of power in me not to scream. a tear roles down my cheek and i don't move. He continues to drink as my body is emptied of blood, i begin to feel dizzy.

Jeremy swallows and stays where he's at, Jeremy looks up smirking as my blood covers his mouth. "Let me go.. please" I say as tears stream down my face, looking downward as the wound on my neck burns. Jeremy puts the tips of his fingers on my chin smirking. "It hurts doesn't it?" he says and i turn away from him as i clench my teeth as the pain grows and grows. He gets his thumb and wipes away my falling tears, i slap his hand away roughly. "Don't touch me" I snap still looking slightly downward. He chuckles then his eyes fill with rage, his hand grips my throat tightly as his fingers cause my wound to open up a little more. I gasp for air and grip his wrists trying to rip his hands from my throat. I struggle to breath as i looking into his bloodshot eyes and blood covered lips.



After Rose had been gone for quite sometime i got an uneasy feeling. I walked around looking for the bathroom. I see two guys standing at the entrance of the bathroom hall and i frown walking up to them. "excuse me, can i pass through?" I say and begin to walk between the two. The guy to my right roughly places his hand on my chest, stopping me in my tracks. I sigh and look into his eyes "You're going to let me pass through here and you won't say a word" I say looking at the two as they nod their heads and they make room for me to pass. I walk passed them and turn the corner as I find Jeremy gripping onto Roses neck and her blood trickling down his fingers. Rage fills my body and i use my speed to run up to Jeremy and tackling him to the ground. I get him off of her as the whites of my eyes grow a deep red. I hear Rose gasp, filling her lungs with air, coughing as she falls to her knees. Jeremy groans as he lies on the ground, I look over to Rose then back to Jeremy. I clench and unclench my fists with anger and annoyance. I walk up to him, gipping his throat tightly, tighter then i intended to but i didn't loosen my grip. I looked into his eyes as my eyes stayed a red color. "If you ever touch her again i will kill you, do you understand?" I say as he chokes and gasps for air, nodding as his face grows red. I take my hand away from his neck and turn to Rose seeing her holding the bite wound from Jeremy, seeing tears stream down her face. She looked up at me with fear and sadness in her eyes and i rush to her aid. "Shh.. You'll be okay." I say calmly as i wipe away a tear off of her cheek. I cup her cheek as i find it hard to gain control of myself, getting a little bit of blood on my fingers.

"P-please don't hurt me.." She says. Rose was afraid, and it wasn't surprising for her to think I'd hurt her. "hey hey hey.." I say trying to soothe her swallowing hard "I will never hurt you or let anything hurt you again" I say brushing a few strands of hair away from her face, tucking them behind her ear. She closes her eyes tightly and applies more pressure to her wound in pain. I stand up slowly, brushing my hands off on my jeans and pick her up bridal style. I carry her out of the crowded building, people didn't seem to care, they were all too waisted to even know what was going on. I heard her heart rate begin to slow down as blood from her wound began to spill on my sleeve, she was loosing blood quickly. "C-Cole... I-it hurts.." she says in a faint whisper and i nod "I know.. Just hold on, i'll take care of you" I say as i use my speed, taking a shortcut through the forest and making it to my large home. It was a two story brick building my father had given me and my brother before he passed away. I step onto the porch and put my back against the large wooden door that was already cracked open. My brother Kyle was sitting on our large later couch drinking from a bottle of whiskey. He stands up slowly and smirks at me, blood coating his face, "I see you've brought dinner home also," He chuckles. I look down and see Rose's eyes shutting tightly as her wound begins to look worse and worse. I look over at Kyle "Dammit Kyle this isn't a time to be messing around, you need to heal that girl and erase her memory, now move" I say walking over to the couch. Kyle sigh and carries the girl to another room as i walk to the couch, carefully laying Rose down on her back. "C-Cole..." She said looking up at my as tears rolled down her cheek "W-whats happening to me?" She says looking up at me as i look downward at her. I didn't know what to say "You're going to be okay, I'm going to help you" I move her hair out of the way slowly, exposing her wound. Her blood was everywhere and her body wasn't going to be able to last much longer. I take a long and nervous breath before thinking this through, knowing i cant be completely sure that i'll maintain control. I lean down, the scent of her blood sent my urges into overdrive, i wanted to turn her and be with her forever. I had never felt this way about anyone before. "Cole... W-what are you doing?" She says almost as if she's out of breath. "I-I promise to explain everything when its all over," I whisper softly into her ear, i sit up a little and softly kiss her forehead. I feel my fangs extend and my eyes go bloodshot, as i lean closer to the wound. I take a deep breath preparing myself for anything. I place my knee on the other side of her, my body now over hers to get a better angle.I lean down slowly and run my tongue softly across the bite wound. The taste of her blood sends electricity through my entire body, causing my eyes to grow an even darker bloodshot red, as I stifle a groan. I place my mouth over the previous wound, her blood flows over my tongue and it takes everything in me not to loose control. I close my eyes as I feel my fangs graze her skin. I find the wound and bite down back into it, causing more flood to fill my mouth, tasting both her blood and the venom Jeremy Injected. My hunger was growing the more I drank and i didn't know if i could stop.



I feel his fangs plunge into the previous wound from Jeremy, but it wasn't pain I feet, it's almost pleasurable. He let out a long breath as he placed his hand on my hip and giving it a slight squeeze. I blush as his drinking become more rapid, letting out a groan. "Cole," a soft moan escapes my lips as I place my hands upon his back, my hands clinging to his shirt. I feel his grip on my hip tighten as he continues to drink from my neck, more pleasure filling my entire body. It was a sensation i had never felt before and i honestly didn't know how to feel about it. I felt Cole slowly release and lick the wound softly, his saliva coating his tongue. It sent slight tingles of vibrations to spread from the area. I hear him heavily breathing as my body relaxes beneath his. His warm breath hits the wall of my neck sending goosebumps along my skin, his face still to my neck. I blush slightly as i feel him begin to sit up. I look upward at him, my body feeling completely drained of energy and strength, i feel myself begin to slip into unconsciousness. 

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