Chapter 8

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With blood still coating my face and the flavor still resting on my tongue, the urges were eating me alive (No pun intended). I lay in the middle of the street pretending if I was hit by a car. After a few minuets have gone by, I hear a car a few hundred feet down the road. I smirk and stay in my position. The headlights of the car beaming on one side of my body, the car comes to a stop. The door opens and a woman emerges out of the vehicle. "Oh my god.. Are you okay?" I groan as a part of my "act". "Just hang tight I'll call an ambulance" she says frantically as she dials 911. I get up to my feet and appear in front of her, she gasps as her heart pounds. "May I ask.. What's your name?" I say smirking.

"S-Susan" she says as the tone in her voice was pure fear. I hear the operator pick up and I look into her eyes, my own growing bloodshot.

"Susan.. Hang up the phone" I say as she does exactly as I say, looking into my eyes. I snatch it from her hand and crush it with a squeeze. Her heart pounds and my mouth waters. "P-please don't hurt me" she says, her voice cracking. I chuckle and shake my head.

"No promises" I wink and her and viciously bite her neck, my fangs plunging into her flesh. The blood spills and I close my eyes, her screams ringing in my ears. I drink her blood until her fight for me to let go is done. Her heart beat comes to a slow steady pace, until I couldn't hear it anymore. I take the last sip of her blood. I throw the woman's body on the ground and wipe the blood off my face, as I begin to walk, in search of my next meal.

I wake in my bed, dry blood coating my shirt. I slightly smirk, counting the victims I had drank from last night. I knew I shouldn't be doing this but at the same time the experience was thrilling. I hop out of bed and get myself dressed. Kyle storms into my room, swinging the door open.

"What the hell were you thinking last night" he says stepping into my room.

"There is a thing called knocking Kyle" I chuckle as I throw a shirt on.

"Yeah and there's also a thing called control Cole"

"You have no idea how long I've been needing to do something like that, try living off of animal blood for a whole month" I say defensively.

"Yeah okay.. But you and I both know that if this continues, it will be 1854 all over again" Kyle says folding his arms. I stop in my tracks and clench my jaw, then shake my head.

"No it won't.. I promised myself I wouldn't do that again" I say and walking past Kyle, our shoulders brushing against each other. I turn around and look at Kyle "and hey, a human a day keeps the cravings away right?" I chuckle to myself and grab my bag, heading out the door.

I sigh as I grab my bag and head downstairs. Something felt different about today for some of reason, but I just brushed the feeling off to the side. I heard a knock at the door and I frowned. I gasped and slightly backed up surprised to see Kyle. "What are you doing here?" I snap at him with a glare.

"Rose I need to talk to you right now" he says as he roughly pulls me or of my house and shut the door behind me.

"What the hell Kyle?" I say shaking his hand off of me.

"Listen to me. Cole is dangerous right now" he says with panic in his pale blue eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well ever since he met you, he's been trying to get off of human blood and started drinking animal blood, thinking it would help with his human cravings" he says with a pause. Kyle puts his hands on my shoulders looking into my eyes "He got a smell of your blood and he completely lost it, he's already killed people" he says swallowing hard. He signs and looks at me "in 1854, Cole tried living off of animal blood, he couldn't bare hurting people anymore. But little did he know what the consequences were. After about five weeks of just animal blood, he couldn't take it anymore. Cole killed two entire villages, including our mother and father" he says as he looks away. "Which is why I need you to promise me that you'll steer clear of him right now, he isn't himself. Im telling you this to protect you Rose"

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